
by Thomas   Sep 8, 2012

It does not matter
if it's dark or light
Cause it's inside of me
that I fight

Battle this sadness
inside that I feel
by lifting weights and writing,
getting abs of steel

Outside pain
for inner hurt
like getting goggles
when the vision is blurred

Never stopping
just keep on pushing
just to make sure
that the blood is rushing

Down these pipelines
knows as my veins
silently hoping
that it's not in vain


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  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Very nice...I like it:)....I really like the ending though: )

  • 12 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    I love this poem! It seems to have so much emotion and you pinned it well! Well done!

  • 12 years ago

    by One Man Clan

    You know,
    I have to agree with you here, almost all of us lead good lives, Sleep with comfort , Yet lack happiness, and the reason for that is unknown for me as much as it is unknown for you

    anyway, We can't lead such a lifestyle because it reflects back on us, on the long term It will only cause you not to prosper in times where you can!!!

    whenever you're feeling down brother, Think of that person who still bears all the troubles of the world and face them with a smile, Think of the child that is happy for being able to drink the water that we so folishily waste.

    think of that soon to be dead sick mom that is more than happy to live another day to shower down the last sentiments of her love upon her loved.

    these are things that count in life!, yet we are so overtaken by material That we've lost sight of what's important brotha T.

    This poem Is magnificent, I truly do believe that with more practice you will be able to deliver your message the way, the greats ones can. You have magic within your hands and my advice for you is never to neglect it!

    feed that magic for one day you will be writing and the whole world will be listening

    faith man! 5/5