Untitled Emotions

by Chelsey   Sep 9, 2012

Before me is a single sheet of paper, a pen, and a glass of wine-
I'm not a wine drinker.
I can't sit here and pretend I know in which form I will write in,
which metaphors will come prancing into my mind,
or which titles I will pick and choose over.

All I keep staring at is these scratches and water spots
that have stained my mahogany table...

I've zoned out. I got lost between this alcohol and thoughts
that are draining my heart into a sea of regret and disbelief.
How have we come to a place where loving each other
has become a strategy to win this game?
A game we never vowed to play. In fact, despised those who did.

I know that hands on the clock move faster than
our bodies can keep up with, but when will you realize
there is no slowing it down? That it's all about management.
I stay awake at night, praying on hindered dreams
that wait for you to catch up and support them.

Quite frankly, I'm tired of checking my pulse to make sure
my blood still circulates forward, and not in reverse
like our relationship seems to be heading.
I'm here waiting, witnessing you damage the
present, while you're focusing on our future.

Unconditional love has been provided for you,
but if you feel it slipping away just a little,
I blame it on irreplaceable moments we are passing up.


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  • 12 years ago

    by One Man Clan

    There is a pattern within these lines
    That within the words you make your
    Reader look through your eyes and see the world from your rare view too,
    Very descriptive of your emotions and I dont know If this comes naturally! Or being mature enough to acquire such an expertise in this field
    This poem spoke itself out loud and was loaded with emotions and a harsh sense of certain realties
    5/5 and well worthy of praise

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Stunning write chels... you were writing your mind, your emotions and so you couldnt title this one... you just captivate with your write dear... I mean it is drenched with emotions, your confusion towards your relation and such great flow... I could relate to it a lot:)
    Great5/5 from me;)

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Part of me wishes this poem was one done for a challenge and has no meaning to it, but I somehow feel that it is very much how you may feel right now and that saddens me.

    I love this poem Chels,I like how you start off describing the scene you are in while beginning to write this and how we all sometimes pick up the pen and have no idea of what is going to follow in ink.

    Quite frankly, I'm tired of checking my pulse to make sure
    my blood still circulates forward, and not in reverse
    like our relationship seems to be heading.
    I'm here waiting, witnessing you damage the
    present, while your focusing on our future.

    - definatly my favourite part, I like how you used your blood flow to compare to how the realtionship is going, it is so unique and makes this point unforgettable while reading on.
    Also the last part, I really liked because often so many people focus on the furture in the wrong way and in the mean time what they have is damaged and forgotton. It is sad to see.

    Good work and I hope it helped to release it.

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow this is fantastic. The emotions conveyed are so powerful I was able to stand in your shoes for a moment. I was able to hear your soul's "voice" reading this piece to me and watch your hands flow to write. I read this piece multiple times and with each time I did I only saw more of the place where you were coming from. At first I was truly speechless, hence the odd comment I am leaving now. Your words here really have touched me. I'm extremely glad I read this.

    Magnificent Job.

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Umm you seriously just made me cry.

    I'm just going to express my heart here in this comment. You have poured out your feelings in such a way that the reader can feel your sadness and frustration... there are some poems that I read, that simply cant be broken down... this poem is one of them, it speaks for itself... and it connects to the reader... all I can say.... powerful piece Chelsey!