by Something Diabolical Sep 9, 2012
category :
Dark, fantasy /
dark, horror
Never before have I seen such beauty, such grace |
Never before have I seen such beauty, such grace |
by Dragon Boy
First of all, I loved the title of the poem! Anyone who reads the title will be curious of what angelical is doing in t a dark poem! And that's a good start, a good cover. I love how you were able to add a little twist in your work, building up the imagination. The flow and rhyming was very good, which made it fun to read. At one poem in your poem, it was like you were able to creative a mysterious view in the character(s) . keep it up! You got potential . |
by Unknown
This poem reminds me of a siren... luring a man in with her beauty, making him fall in love and then as soon as she has him...she turns and drags him into the depths of hell. Very nice touch you have here. |
I really was drawn to this name, and I like how her name was your was not an ordinary name, almost struck me as something from the 1800's or something. It's elegant in it's own way and even has a beautiful air to it when it's pronounced. Wonderful tie in with being "angelic". I now see how this was turned into deceit.....this woman you have found seems like an angel when it was actually a twisted tale. I like your descriptions of your surroundings, as well as your rhyming, I almost felt it was subtle, though it was at the end of the stanza's, it wasn't so strict and you had good flow. The ending perplexed me which is not a bad thing, your poem had the element of mystery. Maybe she both hurt and saved you? Dragging you down then back up again in a love that is drawing you but definitely not a normal healthy kind. I too like your style, it makes this poem stand out more instead of just average stanzas we all expect. Your thoughts stand out more personally with the "this prison", "this dark". |
Vey nice free flow and imagery that captured my attention and held it to the end |