Love that fears goodbyes'

by Ole Carsten   Sep 10, 2012

You walk in beauty, colored like the night,
Velvet dark blue light shining in my eyes.
Cannot tell if it is a glory flashing bright,
Lightning strikes me and the cloudless skies.
Your touches are delightful light,
Love is tender no one wishes that denies.

One cloud covers her, one day less,
And I am back to feel your grace.
Life is not without challenge and stress,
Soft sweetness and smile covers her face.
Even my soul and mind tries to express,
My longing to be and stay at your place.

Looking during the night at your eyebrow,
I try to praise word so eloquent.
Bringing meaning tenderness and loves glow,
Into all aspects of our life and days spent.
Dreaming from the skies love send to those below,
All my love for you is strong but innocent.

In dreams we are standing at clouds with angels,
Singing and making sweet tunes and lullabies.
The only sounds I am missing is the morning bells,
Love makes the mind speed up to improvise.
emotions is tasteless someone in a poem tells,
I am only sure that my kind of love fears goodbyes'.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Stephen

    Love this, especially for the fact of it's rhyming, also for the fact it's about love. You express the sweetest moments of love exceptionally here. You can feel the love you share for the person this is written about. It's beautiful. I believe all love fears goodbyes, but one cannot dwell on the negative when there is so many beautiful and positive emotions in the heart and mind.. Focus on the love you have, great piece here. I enjoyed reading it..

  • 12 years ago

    by Thomas

    Very well written Ole!

    You used the rhyming scheme perfectly so that it never gets boring.
    Love is such a beautiful emotion. We should cherish every moment of it before it dies out.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Beautiful poem, filled with a lot of emotion and it is like a journey of a love story written with such beautiful words and imagery. Well done.

    This line in your last stanza has a symbol at the end which you need to delete..

    In dreams we are standing at clouds with angels,¨

    Other than that, it was a joy to read.

    • 12 years ago

      by Ole Carsten

      From time to time these sign are popping in, don't know why? I corrected it, smiling
      Your comments is so fine, nearly makes me blush

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