Comments : Brumous Nightfall

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    First - if you stop writing dark poems, I will shoot you straight in the eye.

    Second - I adored this piece.

    Third - I want to talk a little bit about it. In fact, I wish I was a judge in my contest :P
    Anyway.. I'm fond of the way you paved the way till the ending of your piece. You started with describing the setting of the darkest sides of Paris, as if reminding us that there is no beauty (Paris) that's not flawed (pitchy parts). That was really spooky for starters.

    Making use of Mona Lisa's smile to showcase inscrutability is awesome.

    In the 3rd stanza, action starts. Lighting a cigarette stirred the scenery in my mind. It became more obvious and more defined. That also gave me some shivering vibes. I can feel the dampness all over and some fogginess with obscurity, etc... lovely!

    The 4th stanza is so perfect. It was a COLD murder; so original, so original Jenni <3

    Holding you, your heart hanging on lips,

    ^ that isn't a new idea, but it is newly worded, so it added some nice bass beats!

    Jenni, I'm trying to make your image in my head as a serial killer, but it's not working hhehe, that's why I'm imagining you wearing that SAW mask :P lol...

    When your opponent is killed, I understood that you threw her off the bridge into the dark waters.

    In this poem, you really wowed me. You are PERFECT in dark poetry. You are cold-hearted and such a miscreant in this piece.

    Loved it so damn much! Nominated next week since I don't have votes left :P

  • 12 years ago

    by Stephen

    Wow this is amazing!! Jen, you are exceptionally talented! I loved reading this!! I loved your description on Paris, it was so vivid I could see exactly what you wrote here! Beautiful I must say! It's almost like a weird movie of sorts, as I can see this person following this young lady in the still of the night, stalking his prey as a tiger would.. Possibly walking in the shadows, as he notices her but she has yet to notice him. Then covering her mouth with gloves that have sedatives oozing from them as she screams, then kissing her before throwing her over the bridge to the water below.. My I am in awe, I love this! It's so dark and wicked, but I LOVE IT! you are awesome. sooo talented, ah you make me want to improve my writing!! Great job! :D

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Holy metaphors! In looveeee with this piece Jenni. I loved it the moment I read it and couldnt wait for you to post this so I could comment!!

    That pitchy part of Paris isn't worthy
    of carrying Mona Lisa's smile, yet
    you absolutely are

    ^ I found this to be such a freaking cute yet creative way to word someones smile, which usually in poetry is so simply stated as just "beautiful", you gave this smile life, as artists try to do in paintings.

    I fell for your eyes while yours
    had yet to see me

    ^ o0o0o0!! Jen that was so deep, that one line right there had me wrapped around this poem, excellent words here.

    One last daunting kiss before I hoist and
    drop you; falling into the dark water.

    Darling, tonight you'll sleep for good.

    ^^ omg what an ending!! Leaving us at the climax, that is somewhat creepy, dark, spooky, all of the above lol.

    Such an amazing talent you have, I never want to see it go to waste. Just beautiful!

  • 12 years ago

    by L


    I really knew that this one was your poem :P
    it has your style all over it, I can't say much into the meaning of the poem because my eyes get all twisted with words and my brain can't process all. yup, I need a dictionary to fully grasp the image. However, I like the tone!! I like the hmm what to call it, the confidence that I find in this piece as well as the dark scene.

    I mean okay okay, I will say what I pictured when I read it, even if it's wrong. I saw a woman who seduced this guy and then he got sedated and to sleep, he went into the water. SEE! you gave it mystery unlike the way I say it. You are awesome and I meant it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I love Jenni being dark. :D
    I'm not going to break it apart and all that, it's too perfect in my opinion for that.
    I just wanted to say LOVEEE it...and it's nominated by me. <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    The vivid descriptions in this poem is awesome and helps bring out the darkness of the poem. It is enjoyable to read and I am in awe of your write here! Simply awesome. I agree, do not stop writing dark poems. You may have stumbled across something here :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow Jenni, this is so descriptive and creative. I firstly want to thank you for explaining what the word halothane means, lol. I found it so interesting to read this poem and enjoyed the different language use. I hope it won't be your last as I think you done a great job in this topic and would like to read more from you on it.

    Well done.