by Stephen Sep 10, 2012
category :
Life, society /
**This poem was a club challenge in which we had to choose a technical word for a body part and write about it in acrostic form.. I chose Orbitals(eyes) Cardiac (heart) and Buccal (mouth) I hope you enjoy..** |
by Shark Puncher
Very well written. It's not often you read over an acrostic poem that blends so poignantly such as this one. I too can only echo I like how you've chosen three scientific terms as well, opposed to just going the easy route and saying MOUTH, EYES AND HEART. I enjoyed this! |
by Amy
When I came across the title, I just had to read this. It is so different and new to me to see those three combined. There is a little typo on separates. But the message of this poem is just mindblowing. Really beautiful write here. |
by Jenni
In the title you have to place a comma between "eyes" and "heart" as it is an enumeration, not too big of a deal though. Reading it I was wondering why you'd pick those three things and what they might have in common so that you decided to write about them, but once I read your note I realized why you picked that because I had completely forgotten about the contest by now. |
by Lioness
I haven't read the others in the challenge but I thought while reading it, my gosh this must have won lol Oh this is awesome. It looks like you steped up and rose to the challenge. I think it is brilliant!!! |
by Unknown
I loved how you used 3 scientific names instead of just one. You really stepped it up and you truly deserved to win. :) |