You owe me!!

by Ashley   Sep 11, 2012

Thought we would be friends forever, so you said
Thought we would stay by each others side no matter what, but you left
Thought we would never brake in two, but you let that childish fight that had nothing to do with you get in our way
After everything that we have been though you let that be our finally curtain call
I helped you tough all your problems though all your sorrow, and not once did i ask for it back, not once did you give anything
Oh and don't you even dare forget that i saved your two nephews' lives that day, you and your sister didn't even see that truck, but i did, i saved him for you.........
Just seeing you sitting across the classroom right now wanting nothing, nothing to do with me anymore really kills, it kills me, you are killing me inside.......
You told me everything, you wanted and still don't want your new called best friend to know
So long to you my dear old friend, i missed in the start
Though this time it has gone on for too long, i will no longer be taken for a ride

But do not forget that you owe me big time so next time you give me a look, or even think to don't you dare

So ado, ado to you


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  • 12 years ago

    by Aaron

    This was amazing, I feel thy sorrow that you feel.

    But 5/5 <3

    • 12 years ago

      by Ashley

      Nawww thank you baby boy but it truly is a little shit as i just wrote what came to my head could honestly be a lot better