Fear of the Unknown

by Chelsey   Sep 11, 2012

Do you want to know why I can't confront the truth?
It's because I'd bold face lie to you, and regret it.
My heart sinks into my stomach, as I try to regurgitate
words that I keep trapped in this hollowed soul of mine.
Believe me, I can sense the stares as you read "coward"
across this embarrassed pale face I own.

My imagination impairs me to do what I wish.
I daydream of walking on a deserted beach with you,
feeling the brisk breeze sheathe around my neck.
You swoop me into your arms, and twirl me in a circle
the way couples in love do while honeymooning in Paris.
I am awestruck, and feeling alive is an understatement
because I cannot feel my heartbeat in this moment.

When I come back to reality, I picture life with you
and how every day, I'd be surrendered to a man
who carries my heart under his chest plate, and a sword
in his palm. No one would breach your protection.

This is where panic is introduced to trust-
I fear the unknown.

I am concerned, that if I commit my life to you
I will one day find my soul crushed as ice-
Cold, brittle, into pieces.
I am afraid, that survival will not be an requirement,
but a mere choice, that I will not choose.
I'd rather die a thousand deaths than to
not be close to you. Which is why for now,
I will keep my "I love you's" muted in words
of poetry.


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  • 12 years ago


    Wow this poem i can really relate to. I'm going thru the exact same thing nd um so afraid of will happen when I open up.... I agree to what you said that you will keep the I love you's in poetry...... I love this poem

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow Chels, I really think you poured your heart into this one, I relate a bit to this one, especially to the title and the relation to what it means. Your wording was good and interesting which kept me reading for mroe and I was feeling such empathy towards the end. I like how you ended it by saying you show your feelings in your writing, like its your safety net. Something many people can relate to.

    Nice work xx

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse


    Cant.......breath.......back ......later.....xx

  • 12 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Mixere feelings after Reading this, i rally like this poem, it is a strong one, like always from you

  • 12 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    Mixere feelings after Reading this, i rally like this poem, it is a strong one, like always from you