Poe's Unfinished Poem

by Whiskurz   Sep 11, 2012

I feel him coming, the darkness screams
The shadows begin to hide
It's the evil that lives inside my dreams
And he will not be denied

He comes to carry my soul away
I've always done his will
My sins are revealed, it's time to pay
For the things I've done with my quill

He calls my name in a monotone voice
And whispers, "It's time to go"
I scream, "I'm not ready" but have no choice
As the demons start chanting, "Poe"

He comes ever closer I can feel his breath
As the air around me turns cold
I can feel his claws bringing me death
As he reaches for the soul that I sold

I now see the reaper, I recognize his face
He's not who I thought he would be
He's someone we see all over the place
You know him as......................


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  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    I deeply enjoyed this. It was a very clever idea to write a poem like this and I believe it's very well written.

    • 12 years ago

      by Whiskurz

      Thank you my friend......Whisk

  • 12 years ago

    by Whiskurz

    Thanks again my friend....Whisk

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    In my opinion...you didn't quite hit the note with this one....it just wasn't morbid enough for the title..do you understand what I mean? I honestly think it's because you chose to rhyme here and it gave the verse a kind of melody which, for the content of the poem....doesn't really match? There's nothing really wrong with the poem ...just mismatched with the title so....I'd change that if I were you....still...I did enjoy the read.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    First of all, Poe is my favorite poet ever. I recently got his complete collection as a gift from my father and I have read it nonstop.

    I love the third stanza, it's so creepy and awesome at the same time. I can just envision the demons chanting.... eeek!

    I love the trailing off at the ending... it gives the reader to make their own assumption.

    Great job!