Goodbye Papa

by Ingrid   Sep 12, 2012

Goodbye Papa

As you lie there
silently, asleep it seems
I see the journey
written on your face
Hedonist without compare
with so much stories to share
after a short, but fierce fight
Partying on, I am sure, with delight
with the ones that await you
in the land without time.

Translated from Dutch, as it was written by me for my father Jan, who died September 9th 2012 from cancer at age 71.

Rest in peace, daddy.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Ingrid - this answers my question in a way that a message never could, so thank you for pointing me this way. This made me go cold at the end. "...with the ones that await you in the land without time"
    A beautiful and hugely touching write.
    All the very best and take care,

    • 9 years ago

      by Ingrid

      Thank you, Ben :)

  • 9 years ago

    by GB

    My deepest condolence, Ingrid. This is very touching poem, May his soul rest in peace. As my father has been a close friend of mine I can totally understand the pain of loss very well.

    Thank you for your kind words on my "wishes to be" poem :)
    Be safe

  • 12 years ago

    by Kips2.0

    Wonderful piece. I've never written anything for someone who's passed away, except for the people who died in the 9/11 tragedy.

    "Partying on, I am sure, with delight
    with the ones that await you
    in the land without time."

    I love the way you ended it. The battle is already over, no more fierce fight. He's gone to rest forever. Beautifully penned.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is so beautifully dedicated to your Dad. May His soul rest in peace and paradise be His infinte abode of repose, Amen. Very sweet and touching and gets one in a melancholic mood. One can see you staring at him while peacefully lying in the casket. You created the feelings of loss and death in a concise but deeply felt manner.

    I always describe death as an 'unannounced visitor' whom is lurking around the perimeter of ones life. Whom will descend upon a house and knock in, heralding the cries of loved ones as he carted away a soul.

    A trying time full of despair, tears, sadness and fears;

    Whenever we loose a dear one, our hopes are dashed momentarily, because we feel there's no reason for existence without the deceased. We get into moments of extreme dismay without no purpose of life anymore. You live with a void means of survival as a threshold without him/her. All an outburst on your loss.

    We cry our hearts out beacause there'll no more be moments to be shared with the deceased. Only memories together, as that leaves pangs of dismay as the bond you've created over the years are rooted. Thus, how much you're used to be in his/her presence.

    You overnight feed on your dullness. Everthing seem to paint sadness to you. Nothing do you think will restore the bright shining light, that he/she radiated throughout your lives together. You now left to walk through in darkness. No angel nor guide to help, which him/her acts as before.

    Fear envelopes you not knowing how to move on without him/her. You get scared of what life has in store for you. Not knowing the uncertainties you have to deal with and live with all alone. Handling such without the deceased will seem impossible to you.

    Those are what put us in total disarray whenever we loose our dear one. An outburst of different intense emotions.

    However, I believe all shall be fine with you and you'll pass this test of faith from God. Its a trial from him and its designed to observe your believe; faith in The Almighty God. Its inevitable and a circle of life we all go through with. May He continue to give you all the fortitude to bear His absence. The Lord is your strength, hero and shepherd. May he dwell in your hearts in heaps. Amen..

  • 12 years ago

    by lillie

    Awe Ingrid I am sorry for your loss, my condolences go out to you and your family. Its hard to lose the ones we love, i lost a dear friend this spring as well. It is hard to know that they will never be there with us physically but spiritually. These type of things make us stronger, the poems was well written I could see that there was emotion in this poem, loved the description: I see the journey
    written on your face. VERY WELL WRITTEN 5/5