Comments : Jackson Pollock

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I'm really hoping this was not written from real feelings Thomas, and more of just you wanting to write about suicide to write something different.

    Loved the title, really intiguing . I tell you, my favorite lines of this whole poem was

    " Make my death an horrific painting
    Use my bedroom wall as my canvas"

    That was so amazing! I think those lines will put a terrible image in the readers head, however what's a poem that doesn't create us imagery?..well done!

  • 12 years ago

    by One Man Clan

    When you sacrifice your self
    To have whatever sanity left in you up for grabs
    Is truly a sad thing
    You must of been going through a lot that you can't keep up with to come with such suicidal thoughts
    But T remember
    That you're the master of your soul and you alone can set the sight on something big for you in your life
    Always have faith brother
    And keep writing
    You never seize to dazzle and inspire me with every peace you pin brother T

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Your awesome... and my new friend... so you can't go anywhere... really good poem...: )