I love you

by Kristen   Sep 14, 2012

I love you
so much more than you love me,
I just wish your culture
had not predetermined your destiny.
You are not permitted
to be with women of my sort,
with all of our faults
we fall way too short.
I wish it were not so
but you would never lie,
You're going to settle down
and i will be left to cry.
I wish i understood
but I don't know why,
I just want to love you now
before you say goodbye.
With you there is more pain
than i have ever known,
knowing that i love you
even though I'll end up alone.

Your culture
is fascinating to me,
what enormous priority
you give to your family.
I want to give you
all of my heart,
At least until the day
when you rip it apart.
I know that you and I
we could never be,
But right now it's enough
knowing that you love me


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    It's a sad feeling when you love someone but can't be with them keep your head up my friend :)