Immortal catastrophe (completed)

by Alanis   Sep 15, 2012

I drink the blood of an immortal catastrophe;
This sweet taste outlines my delicate lips.
Such power obtained in one tiny sip out
Of this holy grail. I see through the eyes of the
Weak and laugh at their stupidity. Their false
Smiles and inspired laughs. How long will
They wait, for happiness to flow through
Their putrid bodies? They're moral values
Make these vivid eyes glow with mockery.
as the blood through these veins grows thinner
With each waking moment, this beauty enhances
To surpass even the most elegant trespassers.
My black and white vision all these years has been
coloured in by the angels hand, such spectacular
Vision. To some life is ending, but to me,
Life is just beginning


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  • I drink the blood of an immortal catastrophe.
    I don't think this line needs to end with a fullstop, perhaps consider a semicolon (;) or a comma (,) ?

    This sweet taste out lines my delicate lips.
    'out lines' should only be one word 'outlines'
    Also perhaps try 'the' instead of 'this' at the beginning - as in THE BLOOD instead of THIS BLOOD -- not necessary, but something to consider.
    Such power obtained in one tiny sip out
    Of this holy grail. I see through the eyes of the
    Great imagery here.
    Weak and laugh at their stupidity. Their
    Smiles and inspired laughs. How long will
    They wait, for happiness to flow through
    Their putrid bodies? They're moral values
    Make these vivid eyes glow with mockery.
    I love these lines. Such potent words.

    as the blood through these veins grow thinner
    Should 'grow' be 'grows' here?
    With each waking moment, this beauty enhances
    To surpass even the most elegant trespassers.
    My black and white vision all these years has been
    coloured in by the angels hand, such spectacular
    Vision. To some life is ending, but to me,
    Life is just beginning
    Brilliant ending. I especially love the part about the angels colouring in your vision - beautiful.
    Again watch your capitalisation, but also your punctuation. In some cases the fullstop should be replaced with pause instead.
    But I truly enjoyed this piece. 5/5

    • 12 years ago

      by Alanis

      Thanks for the comment I will fix it right away^^

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Very deep indeed. You have strong messages behind your pieces. Its sad but so beautiful that with such traits a crave for hope radiates within. Its always good to keep a relentless spirit. Life is always on point and out of point, trying your faith and patience, through family, school, friends, relationships, everything in reality. Every action comes with its good tidings and at times, bad moments. Its despairing but with a tint of inspiration clamouring at the last lines, you've penned your thoughts well. You have a 'shooting star talent'. Its blossoming. Someday, it'll be ripe, hence, plucked. Brilliant message. Blessings.. :-)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amy

    Very nice piece.