Morning Coffee

by kitten   Sep 16, 2012

Morning coffee at my house
not just a wake up call.
It's an event, a sacred ritual.
Measuring, pouring, stirring,
moving slowly toward the veranda.
With our feet up, gazing at the rising
sun Our backs to civilization.
Maddy in her loud "flower child"
pajamas me in my over sized shirt.
Baby Bob Dylan on Pandora, and
the feisty cardinals chasing
other feathered creatures out of their trees.
Finally, the silence is broken and
Maddy giggles, I laugh at the
obscurity of my mind... and the day

** To my loving daughter, Adreamer


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  • 10 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    I love how you captured this moment with your daughter. The ritual of waking up every morning, going through the routine of making coffee, sleepily walking towards the veranda to enjoy your coffee outside. The imagery is wonderful and the emotion that you packed into this is truly beautiful. These are the moments that you both will remember as you grow older... truly special. Great job!

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Being a Mother myself, this warms my heart.

    The joys our children bring can be highlighted in a poem but also shines in every word written.

    Just a fun, refreshing and loving poem here. Love it!!

  • 10 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    And that is cute! Haha, one of these days maybe that will be my own children.

    Wow thats something adorable and cute... I can only imagine and it brings me joy and jealousy!

    You should deff write more. Doesnt have to be often, a poem a month or a poem every 2-3 months! Your poems speak volumes and i will tell my friends about you~ A lot of the poetry addicts will read them :P Im sure

  • 10 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    This poem makes me cry.
    The thought of this morning coffee isnt just a ritual. Its family. The way you show family and how love works in a family hits home for me. I've always wanted this. THis is beautiful.

    THe imagery you use here is quite beautiful also, I want this poem to be recognized by more people...

    It reminds me of the few happy moments i had with my animals. My mornings were more of a... Haha lets go with a fun time. Every morning at 6 am as a kid they would jump on me because i wouldnt get up to my alarm. Beep beep beep and BAM i get pounced by a golden retreiver and a german shep at the same time.. Barking and licking my face.
    It reminds me of those times where innocence and love were all i needed and it has rekindled the want and need to have a family of my own one day.

    I could go on and on about my life story but i really have not said anything at all about the poetry you have written...
    Though i think that what you have shown us is our own memories, and that is what you invoked in me. Beautiful write

    • 10 years ago

      by kitten

      My son always laughed about this poem, he always said in a crazy accent from who knows where, he always does crazy voices, "It's like summoning satin in a ritual... only cooler"... he's 13 lol

  • 11 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    Perfect imagery
    Is "sin" supposed to be "sun"?