Comments : Mosquito

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    You have a gem in here. I loved the 2nd stanza so very much. It was weird: sun's brow! original write.

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    1 word...TALENTED

    Loved the unique title/topic, that was so incredible!!

    Loved both stanzas so its really hard for me to pick them both apart and tell you what I loved about them because they were both equally amazing, totally well written, with awesome wording..

    So random, and I just loved it!

  • 12 years ago

    by Melpomene


    You write the most beautiful short poetry. The title of this poem is what caught my interest; I love the idea of mosquitoes simply because they're symbolic of a lot.

    The way you mentioned the back in the first line it reminded me of summer days sitting outside and being exposed to those pests that are trying to attack your skin. You set the scene wonderfully especially with mentioning the outside and pre-evening hours. The sun's brow intrigued me, I usually associate mosquitoes with night so at first I was imagining this being a night setting but you totally twisted my perception in the second stanza. Then of course once I read back over it I felt as though you were saying you were part of the night and this person part of the day? Or in fact you could have been speaking about yourself and the two parts of you; One part trying to be the person who navigates the sun's brow eg. trying to be positive and living towards a future and success instead of feeling dormant.

    Of course my perception could be totally off but isn't that the wonderful thing about poetry.