Comments : Poppet (acrostic)

  • 12 years ago

    by Nema

    Chels, why did you centralize this poem? Does typing it from left to right still make the lines too long to fit in one? Because if not, I'd suggest you make it from left not center.

    The lines were a bit too long to fit, though beautiful. Love the first line, the usage of the word nudges :) that is so freakishly cute Chels! I'd bet you're head over heels for someone haha. It just happens to always show in your poetry when you're in love, on everyone's :)

    On the other hand, I love your love poems, like I told you before I don't really read a lot of love poems here, but you always make me read yours, what the hell do you do to me? Haha.

    Lovely write sweet thing :)
    Shine on~

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This was a really good piece I loved it ,but on acrostic poems I do think it looks better as single lines

    Part from that really good write

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Okaaaaaaay....just another poem of yours that meeeelts in the readers eyes...and mine

    So lets get to it eh??

    Predictable as a child, a smile nudges his cheekbones while he studies her.

    ^ first off WOW!! Awesome opening line here, i love the use of the word predictable especially when use with 'as a child' its a really nice turn of phrase and the to ke it kinda helps the imagery of the next part....which i just adore by the way :-)

    Once upon a time he dreamed of such a cherished girl, full of wonderment.

    ^ now this i really liked, the once upon a time thing makes me think of fairytale and when i see that followed by words like dreamed and wonderment it really uplifts this piece and gives it a dreamy quality which is kinda light and beautiful ........

    Promising his spirit when he finds her, he'll embrace her warmth.

    ^your key words here promising, spirit, embrafe and warmth are just perfect, they give me a sense of commitment, unwavering and honest....i like that :-)

    Placed upon a pedastal, she radiates his world with starlit glares.
    Elegant and endearing, she boggles his mind with questions

    ^yuuuup this guy loves her like you wouldnt believe, i like the way you write about her from his point of view, its evedent all over the shop but in these lines you see her throughthis eyes, ive noticed that in a few of your pieces and i love the way you do it :-)))

    That make him consider, believing in all things that are greater than love.

    This is a wicked acrostic Chels, i love the way you craft your vocab into these piece with love, it's awesome, like the way you use words like elegant and endearing and then sit boggle right next to it and it works like magic! Poetic magic! Thats what you are a damn magician and i love it :-)) xx

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Very romantic Chels. I love the choice of the word poppet for this, and you made the acrostic flow perfect. Well done. x