
by Chelsey   Sep 22, 2012

"Dream big or go home", a slogan I know too well.
I've chosen home for many years. I use to figure
dreams are for those who have never wished
upon a shooting star or threw pennies in a well.
Dreams are for cowards who choose not to excel
in the present and wish to gain a reputation.


Life awoke me with a grin one morning.
I asked her what she wanted and she said,
"For you to become a dreamer." I scoffed.
Told her I'm too busy pleasing others and
supporting their goals, that I have no time
for silly games. She reassured me, I will
succumb to dictators if I do not follow
my passions, if I do not focus on myself.


I realized I've been living backwards.
Life has run me, instead of me running it.
If I'm the sum total of all my life choices,
then I'd be losing because I've made none
for myself. Now is the time. It is the time
to erase negative energy, pessimistic people,
attacks of the enemy, and run down the path
that will introduce me to my dreams.


My eyes are now like mirrors, seeing
images and people for who they really are.
Little do they know, I will not grant them
7 years of bad luck, but this glass will break
at any reflection that isn't my own.
My turn to shine.


Please, I invite those who have belittled me,
used me, mistreated me, mocked me,
pull up a chair and watch as I hold the hand
of success and marry it. I will not be defeated.
Life has got her wish, I am who she requested.



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  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    You told me about this poem during one of our chats and I read it, and I understood everything you were saying, I was just unable to comment on it at that point, but now I've come back to it, because
    1) I love it
    2) It's inspirational and I need to read it again
    3) Because it deserves my best attempts at a comment

    I can't critique anything...but it shows your strength, it shows hope, it gives hope, it gives strength, it is a poem so expertly written, and it needs more views, it needs to be read by everyone, anyone who is having a hard day...this is in my favourites, it just makes me want to achieve things, it makes me want to get out of this depression I'm in, it gives me something to grasp, reality that things can improve, that I can choose a different path.

    I love all the metaphors, all the little addition, the way we wish, and dream on stars, and wells and stuff.

    This piece is just pure gold Chelsey, seriously, it is...

    Hats off to you for writing this...

    love you

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Chels Chels! I love it!!!

    Your title made me wonder what this would be and I was shocked actually, I love your attitude in this one, it is like you are standing up in front of the whole world and saying no one can beat you.

    I like how write the stanza and then add in a word follwing this which is like your revision on the stanza and your feelings now toward it. Brilliant idea and you pulled it off.

    I adore the description of dreams in here and dreamers, your use of the well wishers, shooting stars etc is very unique to add to a poem and i think we have all done one of them and believe in certain things. I know no one can achieve their dreams unless the follow them through which is why I think you found the perfect word in Determined.

    Love this one :) xxxx

  • 12 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow! Chelsey I'm in love with this poem!!! It is beautiful, motivating, and inspiring! I love inspiring poems and this poem really motivated me to rethink my life and try harder to achieve my goals! Thank you for that!!

    First, I love the structure... It seemed more like a story than a poem, which I loved. I like how after each stanza you had one word that summarized it in a way or what you were feeling in that moment.

    Second, I love the idea of Life being a woman!! I like that you personified life and made her a woman (power to women haha!) :)

    I love these lines:

    "I realized I've been living backwards.
    Life has run me, instead of me running it."

    "Please, I invite those who have belittled me,
    used me, mistreated me, mocked me,
    pull up a chair and watch as I hold the hand
    of success and marry it."

    This whole poem was such a joy to read. I love it and it's something I can relate to right now!!!

    Great job hon :)