Comments : Your love

  • 12 years ago

    by Lune de ma vie

    Brought me in from the title, and captured my interest with the first sentence. The second section is real expressive and powerful.
    "You weaved your love through me,
    Only to break it in the end.
    How was I to know the horror that became."
    I love the metaphor of the love weaving through you, it's really vivid, and then way you transition in the horror is so smooth.
    "You poisoned my mind with your fake 'I love you's
    Making me feel a connection that was false and untrue."
    Love is such a strong word and I have never said it without feeling it to be true, people now a days really just throw that word around like it's nothing which is so WRONG, it isn't right and that is why there are so many fake "I love you's" and people questioning if they certainly feel that way or not, mainly when they say things or their actions tell you differently than their words..
    I relate really..
    "Out of the darkness came you and I.
    Yet knowing you was darker than millions of lies."
    Beautiful and powerful ending, knowing people is never a mistake as it helps us to grow into the people we are meant to be so when we find that right person we'll be better off to give them all our happiness and love. But it's rough at the time of heartache and pain and the lies just continue to bury us at times.
    Time to favorite this.

  • 11 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    "Out of the darkness came you and I.
    Two destined lovers with tragedy crossing their paths."

    Nice beginning. You both have a darkness within, a past that may have burned you once. But yet fate brought you together. Although, you sense from the beginning that it isn't going to last because of the tragedy crossing their paths.

    "You weaved your love through me,
    Only to break it in the end.
    How was I to know the horror that became."

    I like the metaphor of "weaved your love through me" ... wonderful line there.

    "You poisoned my mind with your fake 'I love you's
    Making me feel a connection that was false and untrue."

    Unfortunately, many people say "I love you" at the drop of a hat nowadays...mistaking love for lust... or just manipulating someone. It's really sad.

    "You shred my emotions into sprinkling tears
    Enveloping the pain and the multitude of fears."

    Being heartbroken is definitely a pain I hope I never have to feel again. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. It brings out so much pain...and the fear of ever falling in love again for fear of being hurt once more. You captured that here in this line perfectly.

    "Out of the darkness came you and I.
    Yet knowing you was darker than millions of lies."

    I love the repetition of the line from the beginning. Wonderful ending to such a sad, but good piece. The ending shows that the person was surrounded by darkness and really was just a cold-hearted, vindictive person.

    The rhyme scheme was right on. Great pen this is! :)

  • 10 years ago

    by JaneDoeWrites

    "Out of the darkness came you and I."

    This first line catapults the reader directly into this piece. It thrusts our minds towards a time when this person and yourself began a (dark) relationship together.

    "Two destined lovers with tragedy crossing their paths."

    This had a Romeo and Juliet feel to me at first, but after reading through it a couple times I see here that you feel like you and this person were destined to meet. That meeting joined by some sort of unstoppable tragedy.

    "You weaved your love through me,"

    This line is so creative and unqiue. It shows the time and patience someone took to create this "love".

    "Only to break it in the end.
    How was I to know the horror that became."

    However it seems to come to an abrupt end. You seem blindsided by their decision to break things off. You associate this to a "horror" showing how truly hurt you are by this.

    "You poisoned my mind with your fake 'I love you's
    Making me feel a connection that was false and untrue."

    This stanza is gritty and in your face. It stands out most from everything else in this write- you feel utterly betrayed and mislead. The words fake, false and untrue show that this person has lied possibly?

    "You shred my emotions into sprinkling tears
    Enveloping the pain and the multitude of fears."

    I love the small hint of rhyme here, same with the stanza above. It speaks of how much this person has destroyed you and reduced you to tears.

    "Out of the darkness came you and I.
    Yet knowing you was darker than millions of lies."

    I love the repetition of the first line and again that small bit of rhyme. It seems this person has truly lied to you in a sense and that you've taken it a deep and personal blow.

    Amazing write, dear. 5/5