Die in the flesh (Acrosstomy)

by Alanis   Sep 27, 2012

Drink my blood, drown my soul.
Live within your industrious ways.
See if I care, your envy disgusts me

What do you live for? Indigestible drugs? Yeah, I know people noble
And courageous but do the same treatment.

I watch you young children like a mother, and *on* your care free minds
Lies secrets and talents of the unusual
Like and unsteady racehorse you run from my glare.

My eyes bare compassion like fire.
I watch as they lead you astray,
Down paths of endangerment.
A place where only South exists.
I urge you brothers come out of your houses of shame.

Take all the word I put stars next to and it spells Die in your flesh
Thought I needed something different. I call it an acrosstomy


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  • 12 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    WOW this is different...I am thinking I really like it but: I dont think it needs all those **** I would take all of them out, seriously they are distracting and not needed.

    Lies secrets and talents ofthe*unusual*

    Pull the part (i hope you like it...) down away from the poem :)

    This is really deep and would really like to see it edited. Unless each of those ** mean something hidden inside this piece. IDK I haven't had coffee yet lol.

    Like and unsteady *racehorse* you run
    ^^an not and...
    from my glare.

  • 12 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Yes, I indeed liked it, Chelsea:)

    Very creative and with a good message in it as well!

    Well done,

    5/5 Ingrid