Comments : Quiet Company

  • 12 years ago

    by Naughtymouse the hell am i supposed to comment on that....i bow to you cause frankly i dont know what the hell else to do ...your amazing x

  • 11 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    Chelsey! Omg. This poem brought tears to my eyes! It's so sad in a way i can relate heavily to this. You wrote this beautifully.

    "I literally can't say no. Two letters, one word, one syllable.
    To me, it weighs as much as a steel boat and scrapes
    my tongue like the drop of an anchor. It doesn't form
    out of my lips. Which is what gets me in trouble. I don't
    think for myself, I act on fake emotion, I surrender to those
    whose lies, confusions, unstructured souls are hidden
    behind armor."

    That. My favorite stanza. Because that is my issue too.
    The flow was marvelous. 5/5 from me.

  • 11 years ago

    by AngelDust

    Hugs. This brought tears to my eyes. I hate the feeling of loneliness. So cold and dull. This piece though is amazing although so sad and gloomy. You wrote this exceptionally well with very good wording but honey, it broke my heart.. I am here if you need anything. Anything. Love ya.
