Shards Of Sunlight (Collab)

by Meme & Darren   Oct 2, 2012

Your words showered
my body with shards of
glass, in a thousand pieces
they traced the line of veins.
Penetrating every inch of
my flesh, but I kept still as I
bathed in my own blood.

I am now standing in your
hell and those bleeding eyes
can taste the scorching glare
in yours -but you; you can't
burn me anymore.

Only sunlight could set fire
to this long dead heart of mine.
You have no light left in your
soul, extinguished years ago
when you took my hand and led
me to co-exist in this evil place.

I feel the warmth of my blood
dripping from every part of me,
yet it reminds me of what it was
like to be alive, how mortal love
is still possible, if I could just
escape your hatred.


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  • 11 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    The king and queen

    Such a deep write I loved it you gel together so easily I could tell which was who's , I love how independent it was and the tittle was awesome

    Really amazing piece :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Master..freaking ...piece!!

    This was incredibly awesome guys, I read it 4 times before I could comment!!

    From the topic, to the words, to the metaphors....flawless....I literally have no words, I thought this was freaking epic and as creepy as it is, I could picture all the blood and gore.

    Ugh I loved this!

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      I am glad you enjoyed reading it :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    Thank you my queen, the pleasure was all mine.

  • 11 years ago

    by Meme

    I am so proud of this piece, loved writing with you :)