Comments : 82 Days #1

  • 12 years ago

    by Nema

    This is so painful Luu. It's so freakin' hard to write poems like this. I really really hope things get better at your side.

    I love you. I'm here for anything.

    • 12 years ago

      by Lu

      Thank you Nee Nee

      Love you tooo hun xxoo

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Lu this was such a sad write, and you truly have touched me and I'm sure many others with this write....I can't even begin to understand what you're going through, but know that there is light in darkness. Will keep praying for your family and your mom. This was such a heartfelt yet pain-invoking write....the images of death are so profound here yet I like how you end it with just one word: home. It's hard to imagine someone in the hospital for so long but I thank God she has you and your siblings for support. Stay strong <3

    • 12 years ago

      by Lu

      Thank you MaryAnne <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Cyber mommy! Heres where its hard for a cuber daughter who loves you dearly to comment. Because I know the situation and it tears me up inside, so to comment on the situation, I can't do because its too personal and to hard to even go there..Just know that I love you and always praying for you and your family...

    However, you have my nomination for this piece. I mean really. This is just incredible Lu. Im so happy you wrote something new and this just blew me away a little. Its hard to put yourself in someones shoes especially something this touchy and close to your heart.

    Death has never been an enemy
    just an unwelcome guest of thought
    that tangles my sheets and wraps
    me in an uncomfortable slumber

    ^ This was so incredibly powerful!! I mean ...jaw dropping mom! Like literally, after I read this stanza, I paused, and thought to myself "this is incredibly true"...all I could imagine when reading this was an old person sinking under the covers trying to hide from the inevitable...

    Your end stanza was beautiful..I got two things out of it. One, your use of "they" was describing death, and angels longing to bring her home to Heaven and shes ready to go, or "they" as in family, and shes not ready to give up and longs to walk out the door as healthy and happy as all of them...

    I honestly thought this was beautiful Lu. I get the sadness and the the tone you have created because you created it out of real life, but poetry wise, this was just really beautifully written.

    • 12 years ago

      by Lu

      Thank you Chels

      Cyber Momma loves you very much too and thank you for being there for me through these hard times. Love you muchly muahhh

  • 12 years ago

    by nouriguess

    Such a sad piece, heartbreaking.
    If you need it, I'm here.

    • 12 years ago

      by Lu

      Thank you

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This poem was very unique and deeply emotional for me to read. As a loved one watches their loved one slowly fade health wise, it is only natural for them to try and feel what their loved one feels... The author of this heart grabbing piece took a unique angle within this piece and it truly made me tear up. It brought me back to when a loved one of mine passed on and I don't think anyone who read this piece had or will have a dry eye after reading. I applaud her for sharing such a personal poem with all of us and I truly feel this piece deserves to be highlighted. The format and creativity is one of the many reasons why I chose this piece this week. Beautiful and touching piece Lu~

    • 11 years ago

      by Lu

      Thank you