Comments : Pleading Insanity

  • 12 years ago

    by Ray Blue

    ~One of the best poem I ever read!


  • 12 years ago

    by MyHalozChokinMe

    Love poems are a new thing for me.

    I mean, yes, I've read them, many actually, and I will admit that I used to snicker and think "yeah fkn right" or "who believes in shit like this??"

    Something has changed though. (I'm uncomfortable with it.)

    Okay, off the tangent-

    I don't really know how to comment on this Chelsey. But I know and feel what you write of, I think it's amazing how you are able to convey these feelings in this poem.

    My favorite part was right at the beginning:
    "If I told you a secret, how well could you keep it?
    I can't trust a diary. Those pages could potentially
    get thrown away and what I hold is not garbage."

    I like your style and really, I admire and in a way, look up to you in this genre.

    Great write. And I'm so sorry that I despise love so much, that I am unable to break it down and review each stanza like they deserve.

    Forgive me?


    Edit: If I had the ability to nominate this, I would. Just sayin...

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Chels, I'm screaming right now, no joke!!!
    This is like you have been living in a chamber of my heart and wrote this piece from my POV n my feelings.
    I will be back to edit, im too speechless to leave a good comment n plus my lil fingers are tired of typing on this phone lol.
    be back, promise!!!
    oh, and nominating!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I loved your opening Chels Chels, the way you describe how much your thoughts mean to you and can't cope with the thought of having them thrown away like they mean nothing. At the same time feeling stuck with them because it feels like there is nothing you can do with them.

    I like how you begin to contemplate telling this strange person which we do not know yet. you introduce him in a secret way and all we know of is that they have gained enough trust from you to get you thinking about giving them a part of your secret self.

    the next few verses are so positive and romantic and just lots of nice things about the way it should feel when you admire or love someone and what it is like to be in love. You wrote this beautifully and made it flow really well onto the next verse.

    Love your ending, like nothing on earth could ever stop you from falling in love with this person.

    Great poem Chels Chels.

  • 12 years ago

    by WanderingShade

    ... lucky bastard :P 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    Congrats on yet another win :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Max

    Congratulates Chels
    the poems is Lovely well deserved win =)

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Damn, Holy Gosh this is amazing...
    Congrats on the win girl, why haven't I read this yet??

    I can't trust a diary. Those pages could potentially
    get thrown away and what I hold is not garbage.

    ^^So, in this first stanza it was these lines that stood out to me, because we don't keep our diaries with us forever, and it as if we are throwing away a piece of us, that is a powerful message that we should not be what we write in a diary, we should be who we are inside...saying that, we are writers, so quite a mixed piece here, I like that...NO...I LOVE IT

    Think hard because what I'm going to do
    is plead insanity.

    ^^This reminds me of criminals who are in the courtroom saying, "I only did it because I'm sick", it's an easy way out but for some people it's life

    You inspire me to construct a bridge, pave a road,
    build a plane. You motivate me to die to myself,
    leave this town, ignore the population.

    ^^^WOW, If someone can make you feel like this, god, they are good...

    Chain me to a desk that has held
    a thousand prisoners.

    ^^^ Weirdly enough, there was a 50 shades moment in my head...

    It is the power in those words that really got me there, and I apologise whole heartedly for not reading this until now...

    You are like, a star my friend


  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I'm thinking the same thing as Tara, how did I not read this before Chelsey? I apologize! First, congratulations on the win! This is such a phenomenal poem and it just speaks to me on so many brings clarity to my eyes, makes me smile, and just has such a beautiful tone to it.

    The opening blew me away- I think it's the way in which you honestly reveal this to a reader. Just that one statement "I can't trust a diary" made me crave to read more, like why? And then how you talked about love with such sacredness, saying you couldn't write these things down on paper 'cause they could accidentally be tossed was such a "ahh" moment for me!

    This poem has such an inspirational voice to it, I can hear you reading it out loud! I love the the moments you bring into this: moments of such happiness it encourages you to do and think the impossible, and to realize you can do anything with love then.

    What a truly shining poem, this was so wonderful and I know I'll read it again soon. It was just such a breath of fresh air for me and gave me perspective that lifted me up. You rock love poems :) Congrats girl!

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Congrats on your win Chels... you deserve it... this one is so deep and the questioning keeps it more interactive and induces thinking:)
    Wonderful as always:)

  • 12 years ago

    by ah satan 666

    There is so much excitement, nerve racking, reckless passion bouncing off this piece....... I just felt an overwhelming inner warmth, I couldn't help but Smile :D ...& anyone who has experienced this kind of love, will Smile too!
    This piece brightened my day, thankyou :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    This is honestly extremely well written! If anybody respects the effort, depth and meaning behind this piece, it's me :p I missed your work. 5/5

    P.S. I'm backkk! ;)

    • 12 years ago

      by Chelsey


  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This poem is one of the most unique and creative love poems I've read in a while. It has a delicious flavor of wording. I adore the in-depth emotion of how the author describes her feelings of being so emotionally drawn to her love that she would do almost anything to be with him. I really admired the
    Creative word description... this poem was full of excitement in a sad way... it was really a powerful love poem for me to read.

    "I've lost it.
    Unbelievably, undeniably, irresponsibly,
    lost it."

    This stanza in the middle of the poem was a delight, for it expressed the over powering emotion she is feeling. Really an intense read and one that I shall read again! Awesome piece!