Comments : Slave to the Storm

  • 11 years ago

    by Nicko

    The title is very appropriate for this poem and sets the mood for what is a very good read. I like how you merge the rain and your tears "Iet them both combine" very effective! I also like how you relate that this storm has held you captive to its power and intensity, yet you want to fight back knowing the futility of the attempt. Your last line certainly offers a twist to take the reader in another direction. My only criticism is the relationship between the second and last stanza's where your legs refuse to walk, yet you are then sloshing through mud. I maybe being a bit picky but it was something that distracted me somewhat, other than that well done..

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    OMG, Chelsey!!!


    The imagery here is so vivid and the emotion and sadness and the whole, tears/rain thing is usually so cliche but here it is just so amazing and like I am thinking..."What the ****?" This is just such flawless poetry

    OMG I think I just fainted because this is exceptionally good!


  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Are tears shaped like rain? Or rain shaped like tears?
    I question it as I stretch my neck to the heavens and
    let them both combine. Charcoaled clouds act as my
    shower head and as liquid pours down, I reach out
    to control the temperature of the water, but I can't.

    - great opening, I love questions like that, ones that really get you thinking that might not have a definate answer in the end either. The imagery here is so clear and really sets the picture for the poem and you get a feel for the emotion it will hold.

    I'm stranded with soaking jeans, that cling
    to legs that are mortified to walk. The brisk air breathes
    down my neck and my teeth chatter as wind
    smacks its palm against my cheek then kisses
    me with a gust of rain. I am a slave to this storm.

    - you have worded this so well and it felt reading it, like I was actually walking in the rain and I coulf feel all the wind and raindrops and just really could imagine walking down this lost and dark road in the storm. Having no control over it either.

    The sky is electrified and mother nature calls
    out with her thunderous roar, proclaiming
    she is the Almighty and she will rule this Earth.

    - i love how you give the power to mother nature but it doesnt seem in such a positive ay, it is more of a scary out of your control way which can sometimes feel like out life is controlled and we can't do anything but be a slave to it and let it run its road.

    I sink into puddles that have turned solid ground
    into mud and as I slosh through its thickness
    I pray this mucky coating covers my bruises.

    - very strong and powerful ending, showing just how low you were feeling.

    I really like this one Chels, I could relate to the emotion in it and I think it was very well written. I will nominate this because I feel it has that standard and like I said, I related to this and really enjoyed how relaistic you made this imagery.

  • 11 years ago

    by Nema

    Why the hell can't I nominate poems till now!!!! :( This is BEAUTIFUL!!!
    Connecting rain to pain has been a common thing, but the way YOU connected it is extremely extraordinary. Girl, you've moved me to the point that I want to read it again and again and again nonstop.

    "Are tears shaped like rain? Or rain shaped like tears?"
    Like when we cry in the rain so that no one would see us cry right? This is an amazing opening line to your piece :) You really know how to make me read your poems from title to last lines.

    You're great Chels, please don't you ever underestimate your talent and your ability to change the lives of people around you by writing. Please don't take your talent for granted, and spread your words, believe me you have no idea how much they make people (at least me) feel more alive.

    You keep shining and I'll keep being inspired by you =)
    Love you~

  • 11 years ago

    by Wafaa

    'I am a slave to this storm.'

    ^^^ this really made it for me. I could imagine all of it in my head EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL!! this is what make the poem alive by itself. great job! 5/5