
by PETER EDWARDS   Oct 5, 2012


Just like a falling leaf she came,
and dropped into my empty days
Into my life like summer rain,
so quietly like a breeze in May
When I was at my lowest ebb,
and all around me was despair
With hands always around my head,
and I so wished 'I wasn't there..'

Her light, it slowly pierced my void,
and I could see she loved me so
At last my Heart was overjoyed,
and now a home for it to go
This wonderous beauty in her face,
that makes men stop to look and stare
And causes my Heart so to race,
her beauty that is so, so, rare

With symphonies, that seem to play,
whenever she is near to me
When night is turning into day,
besides me, laying as close can be
Now happiness is in my life,
alongside me does walk 'the best'
One day I hope she'll be my wife,
and only then will my soul rest

And as I write these words I weep,
I dream what would my life had been?
For not for me would there be sleep,
if not this woman, I had seen?
Now in her arms I'll spend my days,
with Love that knows no human bounds
In happiness and carefree ways,
this woman that I now have found

'Till then, we'll walk through lanes of clouds,
she walks besides me in my dreams
Sweet music fills my ears so loud,
as we walk through nights bright moon beams
I'll hold her tight, and in my arms,
this woman who does love me so
She'll never come to any harm,
I'll never, ever, let her go

She is my life, the one I want,
the woman that is meant for me
I want her always in my life,
just me and her, we'll always 'be'

And when at last, I lay my head,
and breath my last on my death bed
I'll turn to her with tear in eye,
I'll hold her hand, give one last sigh
And say these words that's so, so true,
'My darling girl, I so love you..'

If she could ever, ever be,
The Love, the one, that's mean't for me
I search no more, 'eternity,
my Life, my Love's, in front of me!

I look no is she....


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Latest Comments

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Ah, Peter, you never let me down when I'm in need of a wonderful love poem with smooth as glass rhyme. Brilliant!
    All the best

  • 11 years ago

    by tainted melody

    The conclusion you wrote was the perfect ending! Emotional and moving. And good job for making a classic style love poem original. That's hard to do anymore :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner


  • 12 years ago

    by lillie

    This was a beautiful piece Peter, you choose your words so delicately and perfectly that flows with each stanza.

    I simply love it, my favourite part was:

    If she could ever, ever be,
    The Love, the one, that's mean't for me
    I search no more, 'eternity,
    my Life, my Love's, in front of me!

    I look no is she....

    Simply beautiful, keep writing Peter you are amazing

  • 12 years ago

    by LittleMermaid

    Wonderful poem Peter!!
    why haven't u submitted any poems lately??