Comments : Hearts on Paper

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Words are a writer's currency. Gems hold and treat it with courtesy.

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Oh alisha... you are incredible gal... I loved this piece... How you have brought afore the heart of a poet and how his treasure are a fistful of words which build wisdom and emotions... this is like a dedication to the words actually which form such an integral part of a poet's life and his poems...

    words spoken,
    words written,
    words left unsaid.

    Beginning is fab... how words are so important... some are spoken, some written, some unsaid and they finally become a part of your poems, your emotions..

    Some recite love,
    others project hate.
    Some bring tears,
    and others go unread.

    yes words build writes of love, sweetness and care, sometimes depict hate, violence and sometimes are powerful to bring tears in your eyes and sometimes just buried with no objection and thought.

    Beautiful and powerful
    expressing emotions
    from whence they bred.

    How words are so beautiful, so passionate, full of hatred at times and how their existence bring life to your thoughts and imaginations.

    A poet's device,
    where a story's told;
    words upon paper,
    where our hearts have tread.

    Yes words are a treasure, a bank of wealth for poets to beautify or plant their seeds of imagery in whatever they pen... I loved every bit of this... The imagery you created is very pleasant as it talks so much about the art we possess.

    Good work:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amy

    The title so intrigued me. I was expecting a bit of this to be more 'flowery' or abstract maybe because of how you used hearts and I immediately pictured a heart in my mind literally. But it may be more of a metaphor. Every writer/poet could definitely relate to this. We've all had at least once penned something that came directly from our hearts. Much enjoyed this poem!

  • 12 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon

    I really enjoy when people write things that are about.. writing :P

    Poetry is mesmerizing to me.

    But as for this poem, I enjoyed the curtness of it. It's devoid of flaws as far as I'm concerned, I also agree with what you're saying here. I think I would have enjoyed it more if each line was longer but I guess the point was to be brief and concise, though I always enjoy some sort of especially telling adjectives or words in general. I'm pretty picky but this was very good nonetheless.

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    words spoken,
    words written,
    words left unsaid.

    I loved the simplicity of the stanza.
    Here you classify the words in to three categories. The written words seem not to be forgotten as the spoken. Yet the unsaid words can bear many secrets unless are told.

    Some recite love,
    others project hate.
    Some bring tears,
    and others go unread.

    All 4 lines are powerful. You rocked it Alisha. Just I suggest you change 'go' to 'remain'. It's up to you.

    Beautiful and powerful
    expressing emotions
    from whence they bred.

    Words have no meaning without emotions and this stanza did it.

    A poet's device,
    where a story's told;
    words upon paper,
    where our hearts have tread.

    Again words are our hearts on the paper, the more powerful than to be just spoken.
    A Latin saying is "Verba volant scripta manent" and I guess you got my point.

    Brilliant work Alisha, I really loved it.
    Great and big 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    Amazing. I really fell in love with this piece. It's so true all that you have said and I think you speak for a lot of writers with this. The poem itself is so simple yet so deep too.

    Excellent 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    First stanza: Words are always powerful whether they are written, spoken, or left unsaid. The ones that are left unsaid are usually the ones that hurt and have more emotion than the others.

    Second stanza: Very true. Words have different meanings... it depends on your heart. Sometimes we can speak of love, sometimes of hate... the ones that are unheard or unread are the ones we want to scream out but can't find the voice to do so.

    Third: Very nice stanza, nothing further to really say about it.

    Fourth: A great ending, I really love it. I love when poets write about writing... its something truly magical because everyone has their own interpretation and own way of writing. Letting the readers know what those words mean to you...

    Overall, a great piece! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    words spoken,
    words written,
    words left unsaid.

    - This is a powerful opening because we can all think of these words which we regret saying or writing, or regret not saying or writing.

    Some recite love,
    others project hate.
    Some bring tears,
    and others go unread.

    - so true, words can be so very different and even the same word can be mistook by someone and taken in a different way which ends up casuing trouble between people. The words left unsaid are words we go on to regret and would give anything to have had the chance to say them.

    Beautiful and powerful
    expressing emotions
    from whence they bred.

    - when I read this I imagined such words as beautiful, pretty, kind, caring, comfort etc. these words can offer so much to someone who needs to hear them and when we express this attitude to others we offer more than we think we do therefor making them that much more powerful.

    A poet's device,
    where a story's told;
    words upon paper,
    where our hearts have tread.

    - nice ending, short and ends the poem with again another part where we can relate to.

    This poem reminds me that people will never forget what you say, so say hateful words and they will remember the feelings that stem from them, or say beautiful words and they will remember how you made them feel.

    Nice write.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    Words are words, and there are tons of words in the whole world, some decide to speak and say more words than others while others prefer to keep them to themselves. I wonder if the ones that prefer to keep them to themselves are saving them to later write them down on a paper or to later give an explosion of words to whoever deserves it.

    It could be any reasons, but whatever the reason it may be, words will always be words, and they will always have an effect on people even if the words are not spoken.

    As we know, silence often times speak more than words, but who are we kidding everyone speaks whether with a sound, or within some piece of paper.

    thought, sometimes we speak with our eyes and we may use signs to communicate but that's another story not so related to words.

    Well done.

  • 12 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Some recite love,
    others project hate.
    Some bring tears,
    and others go unread.

    These words were really strong, Alisha.

    a very reflective poem, I am going to put this one in my favorites...words are indeed such powerful tools!

    Well done,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 10 years ago

    by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-

    I love the rhyme style and I love that you described every poet in the planet with this poem it doesn't matter if the poet isn't "good" or if the poet is "great" you described in a semi short poem the beauty that every one of us writes it's just beautiful thanks for writting this amazing piece cheers! 5/5
