
by frances marie   Oct 10, 2012

Simply means the power of retaining and recalling past experiences.......
Powers that could either save or break us....
As humans we always have the option... Be its slave or its master...
Decisions follow, only after an absolute argument between the heart and mind....
Unfortunate are those with nicest intentions, and still resorted to bad choices...
Compassing with all these feelings we have...
Still Directions have always been hard to figure... it's not like we came to this world with a vivid instruction...
We all have been schooled, observed, gathered facts, compared ourselves to anyone and even prayed for enlightenment.
Still foolishness has its way to hit you in the hard to explain why....
A hard slap induces us to trace back those moments...
We all have the ability to relive moments in our mind....only limited to modifying any awful events...
History is made...cannot be altered in anyway but truth like they say, has its many versions...
We can only point out the period but is still is difficult to submit impelling timelines...
I got my own adaptation of what really happened, and it may not agree with some...
As what I have observed even if we illuminate the differences of each person no guarantee of empathy or sympathy...


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