Life reflections

by Masked metaphor   Oct 12, 2012

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself, "where can I go from here?"
Does life always have to seem so difficult that freedom is just a dream?

Will the pain ever fade or will it continue to worsen every moment of every day?
Will life ever give you the answers you need or will it just throw you away until you disappear...

Will people ever achieve what they truly want to be or will they always continue to drown in unsatisfactory miseries?
Will there ever be a solution fit for peace? Or will the nations continue to die for injustice that never will decease.

Will people ever be truly happy for more than a day? Or will they continue to display fake smiles to just get through each day? Will there ever be a hope for happiness or is it only for those who find a way?

Have you ever asked yourself, "what have I become?"
Do you mean to be this person that you are?
Do you have a true purpose that continues to shine or are you that person that thinks they are achieving their aim before it all just collapses before their eyes?

Will life ever feel comfortable to live?
Will there ever be that one day that just makes you feel brilliant?
Will the darkness remain or can the light prevail?

So take the time that you always take for granted....
Discover who and what you are and never leave it abandoned.
Feel the strength inside that sometimes seems like its never there,
Step forward.
Life is miserable and hard.
But guess what?
You have survived and will live life till the end!

Written by: Masked metaphor


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  • 12 years ago

    by AngelDust

    I find this poem incredible. It really made me think. We should all appreciate the good things in life. It opened my eyes to the fact that I am suffering emotional abuse.. You used simple yet unique words and really touched on the implements of life. The ways that we live every single day.. I liked your ideas and how clear you made them. Amazing piece :-)


  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    I loved every thought of this piece.... It is inducing and very thoughtful... Mature and speaks so realistic about life...

  • 12 years ago

    by Lune de ma vie

    Awesome job here. I really enjoyed this read, I read it several times actually. I enjoyed the questions on personal growth and who you truly are.. Or in general who we are when trying to figure out ourselves. It's planned and written out solidly and vividly, I love the passion and emotion behind it. The ending is strong and gives light on everything within life, on the search of whom we are. It's a great and powerful message of sifting through the negativity and poisonous people/things within our lives and looking into ourselves and who we are, where we want to be, who we want to share our lives with, and just find love within ourselves.
    Keep it up.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is a piece of wisedom and a motivational read to anyone in a happy or sad state. Relatable to all I believe. I'll respond to this with a somewhat not short nor long write-up about lifes' counsels I'd written.

    'Hearts Corner:

    As humans, mystery is our core value, because our capabilities are limitless. We seek to learn, polish and practice our dexterous means invariably. The more we know, the more we don't know. However, life is moulded in a furtive way, in which the human mind and heart can't be contented with its glory.

    Nonetheless, we find solace in our ambiguous mannerism in interacting with one another. We always pondering on how to create, design, ammend, adjust our priorities and objectives. If we aren't cornered 'pensively' to know how actions determine success or failure. Then, bestowing a mind and heart serves no purpose, whatsoever.

    We're constantly in tears, of our being subjected to the eventual complexities of life.
    We're always in tears, why so many questions are confounded with subtle answers.
    We're always in tears, for we're humans and we're the mortal harbinger.'

    Haven't pasted that and passed the message which is of the same source with yours. You ended it beautifully with a trait of hope, contentment, advice and happiness. Life is a mixture of sweet, sour and bitter moments. Always live up to your expectations. Live life with integrity, truth, diligence, perseverance, optimism, relentless faith and divine piety.

    Lovely work, Cheers!