by Masked metaphor Oct 12, 2012
category :
Life, society /
meaning of life
Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself, "where can I go from here?" |
by AngelDust
I find this poem incredible. It really made me think. We should all appreciate the good things in life. It opened my eyes to the fact that I am suffering emotional abuse.. You used simple yet unique words and really touched on the implements of life. The ways that we live every single day.. I liked your ideas and how clear you made them. Amazing piece :-) |
by Amreen
I loved every thought of this piece.... It is inducing and very thoughtful... Mature and speaks so realistic about life... |
by Lune de ma vie
Awesome job here. I really enjoyed this read, I read it several times actually. I enjoyed the questions on personal growth and who you truly are.. Or in general who we are when trying to figure out ourselves. It's planned and written out solidly and vividly, I love the passion and emotion behind it. The ending is strong and gives light on everything within life, on the search of whom we are. It's a great and powerful message of sifting through the negativity and poisonous people/things within our lives and looking into ourselves and who we are, where we want to be, who we want to share our lives with, and just find love within ourselves. |
This is a piece of wisedom and a motivational read to anyone in a happy or sad state. Relatable to all I believe. I'll respond to this with a somewhat not short nor long write-up about lifes' counsels I'd written. |