
by Jenni   Oct 14, 2012

Months traveled the country and kissed horizon
from both sides, that even acted coyly to be seen.
You were tough to see ,too. While the night stood
behind the house, we only illuminated each other
despite the distance;

without any demands we formed our own symmetry.

Although our trust grew, there was no common aim,
which could have gotten us closer, yet we appreciated
our twosome loneliness. I faced you in my dreams
and saw yours in me.

Their narrator and beat were different, hence the end
had to be another one too, but you knew... because
you were one of them. Your voice, clear and stark,
was meant to open my eyes, yet it saturated my ears
(with hope). I, your reverberant sound, constantly
searching for you.

You've got what I lack to make me the way I want to be,

and yet that is too much to ask for.

I halt on mountains, high ones, but not the highest,
and autumn wearily creaks underneath my feet,
face upwards I question if the sun is still shining,

while mine decided to set.

*If you care to know what the title means just message me and I'll explain as you won't be able to find a direct translation. Thanks for reading.

*This was tough to write... because sometimes you hope you mean as much to someone as they do to you because you have experienced a lot together, supported one another and grew strong together. Then that time comes when you either share it or need the other, but they are not there for you and then you realize that is not the case. And that is perhaps.. very very painful and yet you would rather deny it.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Blood of a Lion

    I can't give a detailed descriptive illustrious definition of this poem, because you would have to be without a brain to not understand.

    You verse it in a way that isn't very common, but you can definitely feel the heart beat of it, and its enjoyable to say the lease.

    You need to write more. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    I've been wanting to comment on this one. Other than Hellon's comment, I have no clue what the title means. I'd love to know; I feel it is a very important part of the poem and not knowing makes me so curious.
    I think this would be a very messy, unorganised comment so I'll highlight those things that really touched me and verses that I could relate so much with..

    "Although our trust grew, there was no common aim, which could have gotten us closer, yet we appreciated our twosome loneliness."

    When I read this part, it felt like you've written about my relationship with someone. I love how you've written 'twosome loneliness.' When I read loneliness, I immediately think of one person. You know, completely alone and all. Yet using twosome as its modifier altered my view of it. I picture two people lonely, yet they are together. And it seems like they cannot cure their loneliness, even if they are together.

    " I faced you in my dreams and saw yours in me."

    Loved this. I find it really interesting to read/write about dreams. It just fascinates me. This felt so surreal. I see it quite sad because you finally had the courage, perhaps to face this said person, but it was in your dream so it was unreal. You'd wake up and it's like nothing happened at all. But then he saw his (dreams) in you. His future? So, it added a little hope..

    "Your voice, clear and stark, was meant to open my eyes, yet it saturated my ears
    (with hope)"

    I take it, it was false hope. There's deceit. And there's nothing more painful than being betrayed by the one you so love. This goes back to the trust you mentioned earlier.. You both have different plans, different goals. Hence, no connection/relationship in the end.

    "I halt on mountains, high ones, but not the highest,"

    This, to me, shows the trust built is broken. And once it is broken, it is so hard to fix it. There will be doubt and you can never really give it back completely. Barriers will be raised..
    This shows there is no more willingness to risk it all. And sometimes that is what love needs, what love is: taking risks, chances. In order to progress, perhaps? Without that, nothing happens and sometimes perhaps it is best to let go. move on.

    "face upwards I question if the sun is still
    shining, while mine decided to set."

    Beautiful ending. Really breathtaking. This, to me once more, shows that that trust will never be given back completely. But still, I feel that there is still love/longing in one of them. In the other, however, there is nothing anymore - if there ever really was.

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    I've spent about 20 minutes trying to word all the thoughts flowing through my head... but I still can't, in saying that, i'll make it short.

    This poem is extremely beautiful, your way with words is mesmerizing. Reading it, I feel like i'm inside your head... I feel like I can relate to this soo deeply, it's a strange feeling. I've never felt this way about a poem before.

    I do wish you would post more often, you are simply amazing. (:

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    I think translated your title means...torn or separated? Not complete?....forgive me if I'm wrong...it's been many years since I spoke German...

    Months traveled the country and kissed horizon
    from both sides, that even acted coyly to be seen.
    You were tough to see ,too. While the night stood
    behind the house, we only illuminated each other
    despite the distance;

    My interpretation is of a person you know and would like to know better but...you are both reluctant to do so for some reason so...you both are cautious?

    without any demands we formed our own symmetry.

    Symmetry is not a word I see often in poetry and I've often wondered why....quite a brilliant word IMO!

    Although our trust grew, there was no common aim,
    which could have gotten us closer, yet we appreciated
    our twosome loneliness. I faced you in my dreams
    and saw yours in me.

    This is my favourite stanza....I don't know why but my thoughts went to two people doing the Rumba....think that's the dance where they're faces are poker straight but the body language tells another story? I think there should be a comma after twosome?

    Their narrator and beat were different, hence the end
    had to be another one too, but you knew... because
    you were one of them. Your voice, clear and stark,
    was meant to open my eyes, yet it saturated my ears
    (with hope). I, your reverberant sound, constantly
    searching for you.

    Further up you talk about you, I and out and yet you say here their narrator....maybe I'm reading it wrong but....maybe it should be our?

    You've got what I lack to make me the way I want to be,

    and yet that is too much to ask for.

    I halt on mountains, high ones, but not the highest,
    and autumn wearily creaks underneath my feet,
    face upwards I question if the sun is still shining,

    while mine decided to set.

    ^lovely ending...you were torn...separated...but are incomplete....

    Nice one....loved it!

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    I was looking through our clubs poems, I always look at the titles first and then look at the author... it was in German, so I knew it was yours... I got excited because your pieces always blow me away... and this one did not fail. I would like to know what it means, but I will not pester you with my questions. :P

    The personification of the months is amazing, love it so much. I love the line illuminated each other despite the difference. I know so many people that can relate to this. Sometimes distance is a huge role in major complications of friendships/relationships because it's so hard to not be able to physically be with that person, not to mention the different time zones, too. It's just plain out hard and I've known many people to get hurt like this.

    "without any demands we formed our own symmetry."
    I have to say this is probably my favorite line from this poem. You two connected flawlessly, no need to try to form a connection, it instantly happened.

    "You've got what I lack to make me the way I want to be,"
    That person has what you lack, a something that you desire...maybe you are meaning their heart? You want their heart so you can be whole? But you feel like it's too much to ask for.

    I love the line autumn wearily creaks underneath my feet... autumn is my favorite time of the year and I always love the sound of dead leaves being crushed as I walk on them.

    Jenni, this piece is amazing and I'm nominating it... I hope you win, it truly deserves it! :D