
by Yakari Gabriel   Oct 16, 2012

Forever is a word
we never used

it was different
with us. we started
something expecting an
anticipating it
like rain.

we didn't care
about open windows
when we were making love.

so don't look
at me like its my fault
all the furniture got


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  • 11 years ago

    by Decayed

    Awesome. Awesome.

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Hahahaha Yaki! You have done it again. See what I mean about your endings? Long poem or short poem, no matter what youre trying to say, you save that final stanza to punch someone in the face. My style of writing is way different than yours, however I think we both do the same thing. Like you said I'm not afraid to speak the truth, to say things bluntly, neither are you, except you have this incredible way of saying in bluntly in a metaphorical form...

    Crap, I kind of want to nominate this but already used my 3 this week...

    Im not sure why this poem seems simple to me, but then again so far from simple. Perhaps just the message is clear as day, but covered behind a metaphor? An incredible metaphor...I like this topic. Going into something that you already know would fail, it made me chuckle because tons of people do that. To be honest it reminds me of a one night stand that got ruined by someone falling for the other....

    Loved loved loved this!

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