A message from God ( Haiku)

by The Poet Behind The Poems   Oct 16, 2012

The door shuts slowly
Her breath disappears quickly
He smiles forever.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Masked metaphor

    Great write!!
    The message is so simple yet so deep.
    I love the shifting of characters it automatically transmits images in my head.
    Always a pleasure to read!
    5.5 from me

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is a nice little haiku. Is it in the dark section because of the death? I'm not sure I see it as dark... I see it as the inevitable. Everyone dies. I think the reason God would smile is because he is gaining another child into Heaven, not that he is happy she passed... but that she is coming home.
    I may be totally missing the point and meaning of this poem, though lol.

    Anyway, great piece, Tony!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Powerful words T. Short but leave a hard impact in the end.

  • 12 years ago

    by Max

    Hmm first this poem is giving me a strange chill for real I like your wording you made it actually DARK and I love that but I am not totally sure about the message I can't see it is from god maybe you are talking about misleading cause I don't thing God would smile at death as I interpreted the 2nd line as her death so maybe it is devil or maybe it is just the persona's mind playing her many possibilities and I don't know which one is the real meaning behind these simple words you wrote.
    anyhow this is amazing poem you made me think a lot over a few words trying to solve the obscurity of the poem, for me this is a perfect dark poem

    keep writing =)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    I like the message you share here... Has so much to showcase through few words..

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