Amanda Todd

by Chelsey   Oct 16, 2012

This poem goes out to Amanda Todd, a 15 year old girl who killed herself due to intense bullying on 10/10/12...I could not sleep until I wrote this dedication to her. Her story has broken my heart and makes me want to support any organazation that stands up against bullying. R.i.p beautiful.

Amanda Todd,
I've never wrote to someone I've never met.
I've never wept over someone I never knew,
but tonight, I will do both in honor of you.

I am furious. I am disgusted. I am hopeless.
I was your "someone". If only I had read
your story, Amanda I would have found you.
I would have been your mentor, your big
sister, your best friend, whatever you needed.

I am so sorry its too late. I'm so sorry I never
had the chance to tell you all the things you
deserved to hear. Things like:

You are beautiful. You are funny. You are a dreamer.
You have a purpose. You are stronger than you think.

Now that you're gone, I have a glass heart
that lies on the floor of my stomach in pieces.
I wish I could have had one day with you, one hour,
to carress your long hair, massage the scars
off your wrist, and whisper in your ear "I love you".

I love you for who you were. I love you for who
you were about to become. I love you because
I was called to love the blind, the poor, the needy.

You were blind to your true potential.
You were poor to others, but rich in spirit.
You were needy for attention, but received the wrong kind.

Amanda, I would have given anything to know you.
I would have been the first one to call you in the a.m
and say "What are our plans today? When can I see you?"
I would have added you on facebook and posted
pics of ecards that made you laugh, of babies that'd
make you smile, of vacation spots we could have traveled to.

I can only hope that your story brings karma unto
those involved because you did not take your life-
they murdered you.

They acted like they were more righteous than you,
that mistakes were not tolerable in this evil world,
that you were the scum of the Earth, but really
you were just dust from it that God had designed
for a reason.

I wish you could have seen that.
I wish I could have told you.

Her Final Video..I wish I would have seen it sooner. Sometimes we need to reach out to complete strangers :(


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by ReBecca

    This is so brought tears to my eyes...there should be more people like that who would reach out to that kid who is being bullied and stand up for them and be their friend...unfortunately kids that age dont really realize the consequences of their actions until something like this happens...anyway thanks for writing was beautiful.

  • 12 years ago

    by KJP

    You would have been right for her, i wish thats what wouldve happened. No one deserves to be outcasted in torture. Something that is really lonesome and scary. Something that angers me about humans but it happens and these are the ppl to pay for it. But now she can rest peacefully i think she has the right to. Btw this is a beautiful poem and one i wish came true.

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    That was a tragic thing that happened. It's crazy how people can bully other people and not care about all the damage they do.

    This poem is very well written and so incredibly deep. You have a very caring heart, I wish more people were like you.

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    This is incredibly sad... I can feel every word u penned here and they bring out intense emotions... I do feel bullying is a shameful act and I support you for the same....
    Excellent piece... I respect u for sharing this...

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I watched the video a few days ago and then the next day I read your poem. At the time I wasn't able to comment because of tears... now I'm able to but my heart is still in pieces.

    I am 100% against bullying, always have been. In high school there was a kid who got bullied all the time and beat up after school... he had missed the bus and was walking home when they had stopped and beat him up. The school tried to ignore it because it wasn't 'on school grounds'... we all had a protest the next day, refusing to enter the school until some kind of punishment was served. All they got was sent home for a day... it infuriated me. Schools need to do more to secure the safety of their students...and parents need to be more involved with their kids life. Don't let them sit online all day and not know what they are doing... sure, they want to let their kids have privacy...but also they are their parents and have a right to know who they are talking to. You just cannot trust people.

    Teenagers have huge self esteem issues. They are in that phase where someone could say one thing and it could ruin their whole outlook on themselves. The kids that caused her that much pain... I hope they are haunted by what they done. They went too far, pushed her over the edge. They did murder her.

    Thank you for writing this, Chelsey. It's truly remarkable and it shows how much of a caring person you are. I hope this will be on the front page this coming week to showcase a tribute to Amanda. She deserves it as well as you.