Walked right out

by Brandon   Oct 18, 2012

I walked right out that Front door, Right before the break of dawn
Leaving that brown eyed beauty standing there brokenhearted

Promised her we would be together forever
She was my barefoot blue jean Princess
I walked right out that front door, right before the break of dawn

We were just kids then full of love and hope
She was in too saving animals
me Haha I killed too eat
I walked right out that front door, right before the break of dawn

She was the first girl I loved although I never told her and even though I was her first
I walked right out that front door, right before the break of dawn
Leaving that Brown eyed beauty right there brokenhearted

Went too go fight in that war
was just a boy during my first tour
Tore her heart out broke our dreams we had together
Six years later, grown from a boy to a man
I can still see her face that beautiful smile
her laugh the smell of her skin

Uncle Sam wants me to stay
I'm walking right out that front door, flip them the bird
I'm returning home I have a new war too fight
Going to give that brown eyed barefoot blue jean princess the world.

I walked right out that front door, right before the break of dawn
Leaving that brown eyed beauty brokenhearted...


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Brandon

    Thanks I'll work on it

  • 12 years ago

    by Brandon

    Thanks I'll work on it

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I always love reading military love pieces, they always hold a special place in my heart.

    I'm going to be honest, I think it needs some work structural wise. Maybe break it down into stanzas? It would be a lot less confusing for the reader. Also, some punctuation is definitely needed.

    I'm usually not much on repetition..but it works here... it's kinda catchy, kind of like a song. So, maybe that's what you were going for?

    So, fixing those few little errors, no biggie...it could help this poem out a lot. I really do like it, it's special and from the heart.

    Keep writing! :)

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