Comments : Rehearsing your Monologue

  • 11 years ago

    by Ole Carsten

    My mind is craking, my eyes are wet, dripping on my cheeks, a strong poem you made, I can't say way beside the words hitting my soul

  • 11 years ago

    by Wafaa

    The final sentence took my breath away!! the whole piece is full of emotion and I loved every single part of it. The monologue itself reflects the battle of the soul in such a beautiful way. well done!

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I'm reading this and in my head, it's your voice I can here, which is so wierd...and crazy.
    I hear you yet there is no emotion yet reading this, I feel that emotion...It is evident, yet I don't get what I am hearing...I'm not making sense am I, sorry?

    I want to break this down and all but you are too creative for me and I know I won't even make sense or understand it properly so I am just going to be plain and boring and say:
    The flow is flawless, yet heavy...
    The words are strong and powerful,
    the story is sad and heartbreaking but the poem speaks as if you are standing tall and being ballsy.

    As always, creative and unique...


  • 11 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    This is definitely a very emotional read I love the way you written this poem. I like how you try to fill in questions that he left unanswered. My favorite lines are the following....

    I will watch you reiterate all my reasons
    for you to stay, and I will sigh when you tell
    me all your reasons for leaving. Then, only then, when the curtains are drawn, and I can no longer see you....I will exit. The same way I entered.

    Wondering, why it took my asking to hear your side. Why you didn't have the courtesy to tell me yourself. Why you left me in a new chapter, with the previous one

    I like these lines because you're stating that you will not be leaving until it's certain that he'll no longer be available this shows your willingness and love for him despite his determination to leave.


  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Fret not my love,
    (If I can even call you that)

    I have come to rehearse the lines you've
    forgot to read. I've come baring examples
    of words that should be spoken, that you
    have yet to say. I've come...well, I've come
    here today to write what I want to hear.

    - I like the idea of this and how you are addressing this poem, we all have the things we want to hear but never do, and we feel unsatisfied until we hear them from that person.

    You may hide in masks all you want, behind
    the "Cast Members Only" room, but realize
    you're in a story with a plot of nothing and
    a cast of no one. Remember? You left me.
    You're in your own world. Living your own life.

    - really good stanza here because we are learning more about the relationship between the 2 characters and what has happened in the past, for him to leave you makes us understand the poem better and where you are coming from with your message for him.

    Fear not my sweetheart,
    (If you are even kind anymore)

    - I found this little added info through out the poem very clever, this one stood out because we say sweetheart so much as a term of endearment that we never usually stop to remember it means sweet heart. SO I like how you used that here and indeed, if he is no longer kind then he is no longer a sweetheart. Loved this little line.

    Listen to my voice, note my facial expressions,
    this is how it ought to be done. You should pat
    my hand and smile like you did when you were
    proud of me. Except this time, this time it will
    be in a way that says you're sorry. You see,
    apologies can be comforting if you do it right...
    You don't.

    - I liked the patting of the hand as a comfort and praise, something very small but can mean a lot to us, if done with the trueness of the meaning and not just as a gesture they think will get them away with things.

    Take the blame for your decisions because
    after all, it was yours. Reassure me I have done
    nothing wrong for the sake of my soon to be
    crushed emotions. Tell me you value all that I offer,
    but it isn't right for you to take....not yet anyway.

    - I like this because it can be relating to so many things in which you have to offer them, parts of your inner self, your past, your mind, your body, even your future, but we have to be careful what we give away because some people just take it all and think they deserve it all. It means so much more when they earn the right to share it and be part of you and respect anything that you give.

    Sweat not my Prince,
    (If you heart is even wealthy)

    - again I like these little bits, this reminds me of one of my favourite quotes " you'll be richer in the end than a prince if you're a friend" I totally agree with this, and money does not make you rich, the people you have in your life make you rich.

    I will practice your script with you and when you
    have it memorized, I will dim the spotlight over
    your head and as you look into an empty crowd,
    you will speak to seats that didn't want
    to be filled. I will await for you in the silent audience
    and listen as you tell me your side.

    - This is so good because it shows that the life they are leading right now will end up making them alone, with no one to be there for them. That is the choice people make by how they treat others.

    I will watch you reiterate all my reasons
    for you to stay, and I will sigh when you tell
    me all your reasons for leaving. Then, only then,
    when the curtains are drawn, and I can no
    longer see you....I will exit. The same way I entered.

    - I can see them here at the point of this loneliness regretting leaving you, and doing anything it takes to try and get you back, down to the same old excuses they must read in a book somewhere.

    Wondering, why it took my asking to hear your side.
    Why you didn't have the courtesy to tell me yourself.
    Why you left me in a new chapter, with the previous one

    - love the ending because I like the parts of the poems where we get to understand where the characters mind and thoughts are right now, where they are on the journey in this story. It shows as well that for all the pain they have put you through, there is still a bit of feelings left for them in order to make you think these regrets and whys.

    Excellent poem and I loved the title choice too. It really fitted the poem well and I can honestly imagine them doing this, like I said, it is like they have a book somehwre and just learn the script for any situation.