She is my lily that never loose its essence but going deeper
she blows me away with thousands of smiles on her face they surround my thoughts and blocking every negative thought I think,
her beauty is like the lily coming from the inside lifting up its petals waiting for me to pick it up every moment with her is like a movie on its best scene everything becomes magical like words of wonders zapped in reality
Not even pride can take over the real her and I plead insanity like a fool of her Love
as soon as I wake up I promote words of ignorance
but, I always tell myself I don't need to kill thousands or millions of swans to find my princess she already proven me she comes once every time in my dreams
I understand me and her are two different people but there is got to be a thing that can unite me with her without the permission of imagination or tiredness to fall asleep,
Her words perplexes our moments like we connected by hearts when ever she smiles is like a room full of pleasures surrounding her beauty with the warmth of its creation and gain strength from her creation in my heart like a song being created by the anxiety of love...