Comments : Just this time

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    :( This poem is just so heartbreaking, I can relate to some aspects of this, some emotions shouldn't be protected but we cover them up for fear of breaking down

    I want to break this poem down but I'm too tired girl...sorry...

  • 11 years ago

    by AngelDust

    Amazing, amazing, amazing!! Although it is heart breakingly sad. *hug* We've all been there. Found someone, fell in love, fell apart but it's completely different and so unbelievably personal to each individual because it's unique. You really portrayed this in this piece. I cried when I read this because it kills me that beautiful you is going through this pain.. Call it selfish but I wish that I could take it all away.


  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    How is it, the one thing we use to be good at
    is the one thing we can not do?

    - Chels, you have no idea how much I relate to this right now. The answer to this i still do not know, and it amazes me how it can go from one extreme to the other - silence. Great opening with a question.

    I hear often, "say what you mean,
    and mean what you say."
    Well I still meant every word.
    You know, the one I decorated in lace
    and ones I've ruined with bleach?

    I'm still in love with the thought of
    you being mine and I'm still
    angry at the reality of you being
    gone. So what should I write about?
    I'd cut you with sharp stanzas and
    I'd melt you with adorning rhymes.

    - It is so sad to know that we cannot have the person who we really want, it doesnt matter the pain sometimes we feel because in the end we still want them back. The desire is so strong that we forget everything else and only want them to be back with us.

    If the answer is, I can no longer write,
    then poison me now because I can't
    live with parasitic words that use
    me as their host to survive.

    So just this time, I will say it all.
    I love you.
    I miss you.
    I'm sorry.
    I need you.

    - I love how this is like you are letting go of what you have tried to deny yourself, to others, to almost try and hide it but this time you are getting it out because it is the truth.

    These moments are hard, where I
    open my packaged emotions. Its
    easier to store them, coat them in
    bubble wrap and tape. I know...
    Its funny how I still try to protect them
    when they should be destroyed.

    - I totally relate to this stanza and get what you mean, it is so much easier to keep them in a box and try to ignore them than it is to deal with them and try and get through them.

    But there's a glimpse of hope isn't there?
    Tell me, just this time because I need to know.
    Will we be the cliche' we dreamed of?
    Dancing under stars to Sinatra, then
    watch the morning rise.

    - this desperate cry for some hope is so heartbreaking chels, so sad to know you feel this way. It is very romantic that you hold on to this image in your head of what you thought the future held for you both.

    See this is the poetry I can't handle.
    The questioning, debating, confusing

    This is why I'd rather say you've left me
    in an empty shed, heart broken with no
    tools to fix it. The next person who gets me
    has to deal with a rickety human life.

    - this almost sounds like you have given up hope on ever loving anyone else. They have left you so severely broken that you do not think you can be repaired by someone else. Such a lonely feeling.

    This is why you annoy me. I can't speak
    to you, its easier to despise you.

    But just this time, only this time love
    I will tell you, look past my rambling and see:
    I want you.

    In any form you wish to return.

    - Wow, deep ending because it shows you would put up with anything they do just as long as they come back to you so that this misery will end for you.

    I sense your frustration that you felt this way and were writing this poem, it was like the whole way through you were arguing with yourself not to write it but in the end your heart won and made your head write this out.

    Great poem.

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Not much I can say on this piece that you already have said.... Its heartbreaking when someone we love has gone away, or is silent for whatever reason, and its a rainfall of emotion... you have displayed it well.. within this poem... its touching... and I mean that sincerely...