Comments : Homies

  • 11 years ago

    by The Queen

    Loneliness is a univeral human emotion and I don't think anyone can avoid feeling lonely. This poem shows that by accepting this feelings as normal might make you feel a little less lonely.

    I like the positive ending of this, Yaks :) It reminds us that everything that starts negatively can also have good endings :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    This is another incredible write yaki. I love the title!! I thought this was going to be about boys who have their pants half way down their ass and support each other...but this was such a great way of saying your bond with loneliness is as tight as homies..

    I love your descriptions here. How you sound so confident on knowing this feeling inside and out

    I have seen it, embraced it, tasted it, far too many times. I can tell you its colors, and its shapes

    ^^ those words are so powerful....its so easy to personify a feeling because they are like a being of their own just as you described. With a specific taste, smell, shape, color....beautiful.

    And of course, i love your ending. Always bringing it home with something witty. That was a good message and a good note to end on!