
by Mr Universe   Oct 26, 2012

Face it: life has not turned out the way you planned, has it?
Be honest with yourself.
Nobody aspires to the sort of life you lead, even with all the perks of the cozy socio-economic nest you've built for yourself behind that desk.
You can feel it, can't you? Creeping up behind you as you pour yourself another glass of functional alcoholism and snuggle up to the tepid amusement to be found in the Friends series finale.
Isn't it funny how the monotony becomes so fully realized, it begins to attain the corporeality of a warm cloak you can wear against the cold uncertainty of all the decisions you chose never to make?

But these are thoughts of a deeper man.
Leave the living to others.
Your place is to simply exist.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    This is amazing! The way you've worded it is very clever, it helps anyone to relate to it. Your vocabulary is amazing. I love this. 5/5 for definite.

  • 12 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    You are wise beyond your years! Existential Dread, Angst!

    Very mature theme!

  • 12 years ago

    by Anonymous

    Read a book, "A New Earth," by Eckhart Tolle

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    You took me to the couch with this one... It was powerful... I felt like I was lounging on my sofa watching friends.. awesome word display !

    The meaning is a deep one.. and sometimes we need to feel that security.. awesome write!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Ok I first have to mention that I am a huge FRIENDS fan and so having this in your poem is just amazing for me, I have never known anyone to write this in a poem, and make it work so well either!

    The deepness of the poem is very relatable and the emotion you expressed is one I feel often. Living and existing are two very different things, especially mentally.

    I loved how you chose to regret the decisions you did not make as apposed to the ones you did make. This is powerful because by making a decision we can regret it by knowing we made the wrong one. If we do not make the decision and do nothing we will in fact never know what might have been.

    Great thought provoking poem.