Comments : Who Are You

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen

    Jenn, this is such a sad piece but so true, sometimes we tend to seek the approval of others but we dont tend to behave that way, too.

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Loved your opening stanza! Really pulled me in!

    You are the brain
    I the heart
    Tin scarecrows, looking to be lions
    But no courage to wander off the beaten path

    ^ loved the Wizard of Oz metaphor you used shows the difference between the two people, yet the similarity.

    So we die in our knowledge
    That two can never be one

    ^ This is quite heart breaking to have to give up on someone, but sometimes you just have to for the sake of your sanity and well being..sometimes its for the best.

    Often times people don't realize things until the end of the relationship, which really sucks because you want them to realize it in the relationship, but regardless, as long as one learns from each moment, it was worth it.

    I loved this write. I will definitely come back and read it

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    What I love about this is there is no punctuation intruding on your words.

    There is great emotion in this, and it flows really well.

    I like to break poems down that have caught my attention, sometimes I go a bit deep.. but it is how they read to me.

    stanza 1
    You are suggesting he lulled you into a false sense of security, in the early days he let you live your life as he lived his own life, your paths crossed to be together, but that changed, 'trickery' says it all.

    Stanza 2
    This either points to a split or you have had words, things have come to a head and you want to go back to how things were, happier times.

    stanza 3
    Love the wizard of oz reference, you are suggesting he is devious and likes to think ahead, he follows his head where you follow your heart and let your emotions guide you.

    stanza 4
    Here is the break up, the realisation that you are not compatable, he wants to live the life of a singleton and doesn't show you the respect you crave.

    stanza 5
    You have been enlightened, you can see that it will never work, I like the fact that you point to confusion, like you are questioning why you gave so many years to him to arrive at this point.

    stanza 6
    Now you are telling him why it is over, you cannot have the life you want with him, his path is different to yours but he needs convincing.

    loved this, very clever write, this is my interpretation and may be different to what you were thinking when you wrote it.