Comments : Poetic consummating

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Chelsey...I'm looking at this piece and I read it before but just didn't know how to comment on it...because I get the sense that this is more than just a poem about the one you love and have lost...its about yourself and your writing, I don't know...I'm confused, not because the poem didn't give me the sense of what it was about but because it could mean so many things and I can't fathom which one fits the best, and I am rambling aren't I? Sorry...

    You always manage to write poetry that is so good that I get caught in the lines, I see a message and then I see something else, and it just all winds into one...
    Like I love how you described wanting to be someone's muse, your ex I assume, like poetry is yours...maybe?

    I loved this one, just because it got me thinking and because it is so well written, smooth and free flowing, and just beautiful and romantic with a little sadness here and there


    • 11 years ago

      by Chelsey

      I love that it comes across as two different messages, kind of cool right?? However, it is about my writing. Kind of my ode to poetry. I wish I could give back to poetry what it has given to me. So its meant to be taken literal :) thanks girl.

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Do you know I love this idea. There is a very special unseen bond between a writer and their words. The one thing that will always be there for them no matter what it is we want to say, no matter what the thoughts or emotions are, they just accept it and let us release them.

    Tonight I wish to lull your words and
    finish your sentences like you've done mine.

    - I adore this line. It reminds me of the times when I am writing a poem and I am stuck for words then suddenly they just flow back out again and my poem is finished. Like the words are literally a person inside me who just picks up where I stop.

    Love this poem. xx