The hardest part of my life was when I had to let you go.
I love you with all my heart and that's 1 thing I hope you know,
its been 5 years of tears and pain of knowing that I'll never see my father again, I wish I would have known that you were so depressed, I would have gave it my all and nothing less, all of these thoughts and questions, but now I'm left to geuess, I wish you would have been stronger and held on longer, there's the rest of my life you're going to miss, I wish I had 1 more day with you there so much I didn't get to say, how could I ask a lifetime of questions before you passed away that day, even though you're gone all of the feelings and love I have for you will never fade away, I wanted to be strong for you and not show you my fear,
I wanted you to keep faith and hope and see that I am right here, holding your hand standing right by your side, but holding back my tears was the hardest thing to hide.
Love always forever your daughter Terrin Starnes...