
by Chelsey   Oct 30, 2012

Remember when you use to value my existence?
When I was important and worth talking to?
I can't seem to recall those days anymore where
you blew off real life to enter a fantasy world
with me.

You threw me away like junk mail you got
on a Saturday morning. No second look,
no interest at all, just tossed in a can
full of rotten banana peels and used napkins.


I want you back still.

I'll be the first to admit,
its pathetic, but there is something about
this mistreatment that makes me yearn
for your conceited heart and aggressive hands.

You remind me of a painting that no one
understands, no one sees the point of,
but I can see through your abstractness.
I am in love with your distortion.


I don't know if its the same with you, but
I have your voice and things you've said
memorized like popular quotes from a movie.
You were my favorite scene, my favorite script.

I just wish you could find meaning in
being mine and realize that no one will
want you as badly as I. Even after this
deliberate shun, I'd sacrifice what's left of me
and place it back in your protection.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Xanthe

    "You remind me of a painting that no one
    understands, no one sees the point of,
    but I can see through your abstractness.
    I am in love with your distortion."
    There are just so many quote-worthy lines in your poems. And this just outshone the rest of the piece for me. I wish I wrote that.

    A few thoughts-

    "Remember when you use to value my

    "I can't seem to recall those days anymore
    you blew off real life to enter a fantasy
    with me."
    where -- when

    "its pathetic, but there is something about"

    "I don't know if its the same with you, but"

    "want you as badly as I. Even after this"
    I'm not sure, but I thought this needed a 'do' after I.

    Really strong poem. Sometimes I wish I could write out my frustration and anger like this but they don't come out anywhere near good. Inspiring, Chelsey.

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    The desperate craving in this poem is so strong, about having what you once had and wanting it back. To have everything back the way it was before so you can have this person still.

    You are willing to accept them as they are which was perhaps flaws you didn't accept fully at the time, or that others can see and do not accept. But like you said when you compared them with a painting, not everyone can understand art, and even when they do it can all be interpretated differently like our poems are. What you are saying is that you look beyond the picture and see the simple beauty and accept it, flaws and all.

    It feels like your heart is really in this poem Chels, like you poured everything out here because it is the only thing you want and need right now. Even though ( from your other poems ) you know you deserve better. It is a hard thing to go through, when you are in the middle and just cant go forward to moving on, you want to turn back because it seems so much easier and the loneliness and emptiness will disappear if they return.

    Great work

  • 11 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Hhhmm! Awesome, you know i agree with you that, when we're been 'shunned' by our lover. We crave more of his/her presence. Let it be we're been treated unjustly, but that feeling of need lingers within us. Even if he/she will just nudge, argue, scream or walk out on us. We want a moment with that person. It makes us love this person the more, it gives us a feeling of love even though not cared.

    That's why i feel love isn't all about, showering one with affectionate moments, care and love itself. At times having troubling periods, when one party hardly takes notice of the other. You live like cat and mouse. Those times can even add more dose of love to your bond, though depends on the bond of contention.

    Love is an inexplicable emotion that can't be dissected to satisfaction at times. We should always try and be each others mirror and ears. Lets have time for each other and settle scores when need be.
    Good read. I wonder what gives birth to these recent chaotic love poems? ;-) Ciao! ...

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni

    You wrote out of the middle of my heart without even realizing it.

    This is so sincere and although I see the desperation because I know just how it feels, you somehow veil it, you do not sound as desperate as you are... while he doesn't even deign to look or even think of you.


  • 11 years ago

    by Amreen

    Amazing in every sense of it.... You rock girl.... So emotionally captivating and expresses through raw emotions through organized words.... <3