Comments : Alas... Forever my love

  • 12 years ago

    by MyHalozChokinMe


    Natasha, there was a time when I would have read this and without a doubt, rolled my eyes and thought "what a crock of shit!"

    But, things have changed, and I am forever changed sooooo

    The poem, is too long to be broken down (not a complaint fyi,) but you touched on so many heart warming things here...

    As the reader, I can sense just how smitten you are with this man. I smiled, reading your descriptions of what it felt like to try and tell him how much you adore him.

    You weave this tale in a way that gets the reader caught up in the story-

    I'm a sucker for long writes and I enjoyed this...

    • 12 years ago

      by ah satan 666

      "what a crock of shit" is what I said when he told me he'd never leave lol

      Thank you :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    To feel this intensely about a man and then in the end to have him turn and walk away is life changing and tragic in the heart and soul.... You have penned the highs and lows of a lover.... sighs.... this is beautiful and I am proud of you for sharing this piece... very proud!!!!!!!