Comments : O.D.

  • 12 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow! I'm speechless... this poem is amazing! First, the title caught my eye... I immediately thought of the abbreviation of OD and wondered what you had written about... I love the topic and love how you wrote about this! I really understand how a person can be addicted to someone or something and how that can be bad...

    I like how you started this poem, about how you never thought this person thought about you.. and I like how you chose to describe this: "traces of whatever
    is left of me was long
    gone from every cell
    of your being"

    ^^ Love the description here

    "Who was I to become an
    addiction in your life?
    And who was I for you
    to carry me around; not
    in your pocket it seems,
    but in your heart?"

    ^^ This part made me a bit sad, because it made me feel that you (in the poem) don't feel worthy of this person's love, or in this case addiction. I love how you wrote that instead of being carried around in a pocket, you're carried in this person's heart. It was so sweetly written!

    "the warmth of
    your whispers in my ears."

    ^^ such a beautiful part!! I love the idea of whispers warming you!!! So lovely

    This part had so much impact:

    "- "I need an overdose of
    you right now" -"

    ^^ and I like that it was on its own, it showed how much of an addict you are, how much you need this person.

    The ending was amazing! I totally love it!!! And the part about you being the addict instead of the addiction so perfectly written.

    Amazing poem!! I'm nominating it :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Wow meme! What a nice twist at the end of this piece girl...I tell you what, I was soooooo this person and what I liked in this piece is that you described being knocked down by this person, but they used an addiction...and in the end you say you need them and you were the addict....its the truth. Humans have tendency to crave things and people who aren't good for them...which is sad...I use to be there , in that relation for 3 years and it sucked. I hated being the addiction..and I hated being the addict.. it just wasn't right as beautiful as it seems in the moment.....

    Ohhh I loved this!! Seriously an interesting metaphor, interesting twist. I relate to this piece a lot and it reminds me of so much..

    Awesome write

  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    Thanks girls, your comments mean a lot :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Kitty Kurse

    OH MY I agree with pinky princess, I am speechless also. Loved the discriptions you put in here, I liked the twist, I can feel the emotion here also

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    This piece has blown me away. I can relate so freaking much.

    First stanza: Obviously I think there was some kind of a break up, maybe? You thought that person had forgotten you, that your voice no longer lingers inside their thoughts. That person is independent now... no longer depending on you.

    Second: You are doubting yourself. Why were you that person's addiction...and why were you inside his heart... you don't feel worthy. Maybe that person made you feel that way?

    Third: I like 'withdrawal aftermath" ... when people who are withdrawing from an addiction, they usually go crazy. So, maybe I was right that person maybe put you down at that time... said or done some things they may have not meant. But after it, that person came back to reality and realized that you are an addiction they want to keep. They want to be addicted to you forever.

    I LOVELOVELOVE "I need an overdose of you right now" <3<3

    Ending: The twist is amazing. When in love, it's a mutual addiction. You overdose on that person and they overdose on you. Sometimes it's unhealthy to be that caught up in someone, but sometimes it's beautiful.

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Oh Hannah, you are amazing! Your comment are amazing! Thaaank you <333

      And by the way, your favorite line in this piece "I need an overdose of you right now" is what inspired this whole poem ;)

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Meme, I have read this piece so many times, but I never found a way to comment because I seriously loved everything about it, and there was just so many things I could touch on, and I just got speechless whenever I tried to type anything...

    The Title caught my eye, and I was curious as I wasn't sure of the content, being in this section, yet I think it fit really well and was rounded of nicely at the end.

    The metaphor used was brilliant, and actually very simple in context, because we can be addicted to anything if given enough of it, and this person obviously gave you enough of his love, yet the addition of the sadness and unworthiness you felt, was a great twist

    You really are a great writer, in order to captivate and bring the reader into your poem.

    Beautiful and unique