The lioness and The bird

by Daniele   Nov 4, 2012

She was a lone lioness, and he was a bird.
A world they would make in a blur of the absurd.
An island of everything good that could be,
where their animal bodies are not what they see.

She left the heat and climbed on the cool air
that held her feet and her fate and her love and her hate.

then her paws held still.

The Blue bird saw a distant lady of Yellow.
Her wings flapped differently.
A peculiar bird, she flew free.

The lioness saw a bit of Blue in the dark.
The Blue was walking proudly
in the shape of a heart.

They were pulled together
by the thoughts of what could be.
Their souls were magnetic,
there was nothing between.

Their bodies sparkled and vanished away.
Their parts were not needed
for the whole is the way

The lioness and the bird can finally see
each other for their colors
they truly achieved.

The colors stayed forever in their space untold.
It is here where they found the way to grow.

No bodies to mark the worlds they must leave
Just colors of yellow and blue,


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  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Scribbler

    I'm running out of words to discribe your work.

    "Their bodies sparkled and vanished away.
    Their parts were not needed
    for the whole is the way"

    This is my fave part. To me it says that true love doesn't depend on what is on the outside. there is two kinds of beauty. That of the flesh, and that of the soul. What matters is the soul. What is inside. It's absolutely amazing. Such a powerful message.