Comments : Fall Back

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is very peaceful Maple, I can tell it has just a slight hint of sadness behind it but you have took the positive from it and decided that would be what stood out in this poem.

    I love the opening and the ending being very similar minus the last lines, it goes from your dream, to our dream which is such a very moving touch to it.

    Typing error in loosing because I think you mean losing?

    It sets a clear scene in my head of a snuggle in the morning where the world is not quite awake yet and all that there is is this moment between the two of you. Just beautiful.

  • 11 years ago

    by Wild flower

    I was going to say what Saffie said, its so peaceful, and the fact that you are wanting a break shows a hidden side of this poem, you want to be normal and free, maybe free from pain, or worries, that says that there's a sense of sadness behind it:)

    Love this piece awesome job.

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    Not sure if this is shaped like a fish or a bomb,

    If it is a bomb then this is the quiet and peaceful moment just before everything goes 'radio rental' (sorry- mental)
    If it is a fish then it could be a koi which usually face down in tattoos and depict love and luck and the like.

    If it is neither and I am reading too much into it then read this part.....

    I love how calming this poem is, the first stanza almost sets you up to whisper this piece, I like the dream reference, coffee to lips then you daydream, which normally have desires or hopes littered in them,

    then the second part is huge, you know there is so much going on in your life and everybody else's but you had stolen an hour just to forget and spend it with the man you love, nothing else mattered all worries were binned just for that moment in time.

    the final stanza reflects the first like it is easing us out of your daydrean and back into the hectic lives we all live.

    great write again Andrea

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I like comment on this because its you but its also the poem that stood out to me, the length was short yet you captured so much, and the repetition of the first stanza and change from "I dream" and "Our dream" was really strong to show the love and emotion you feel with this, when with James yet there are things happening that take you away from it, you just want to be in the moment for a while.

    Really great writing always as...lovely