My Operation's Due!....

by Dreamofolwin   Nov 5, 2012

Here I am sitting in a shock,
over whats become my lot.
My operations' been brought forward you see,
and I'll miss putting up my Christmas tree!

March they said I was due,
I really don't think they have a clue.
I hope they do when doing my hip,
I don't want them making a slip!

Well, suppose I may as well look on the good side,
While I'm laying up inside
the hospital having breakfast in bed,
instead of at home doing housework instead!

I'll lap it all up the rest Ill get,
visitors and flowers? .. I shouldn't fret,
Just enjoy the time out!
while hubby's at home giving a shout!

Sure t'will be over by Christmas, then I can stuff my face!
Sweeties and buns and wee traybakes.
OH, and Christmas pudding I'll gorb in,
then end up the size of a bin!

I've been dieting for this operation you see,
and I'm all nice and slim as can be.
But I need to be careful, I better beware.....
when I get my new hip it's " Handle with care! "


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    Obviously, this was a while ago, so I can safely presume you came out safe on the other side - new hip and all - and enjoyed a happy Christmas!
    Love the last stanza, it genuinely made me laugh.
    All the very best and stay well,

  • 11 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner


  • 12 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Good luck with your operation dear. Always good to go in with a smile :] *hugs* -Nik

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    :D oh Olwin dear I hope the operation goes well! Liked the read and it sure made me smile...take care!

  • 12 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Good luck with the operation!!! This gave me smiles. Thanks.