Comments : My muse

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Grrrr you would not make this poem longer and leave wanting more..I don't like that feeling. And you know i want to pinch you for not making this longer...buuttt

    Its still AMAZING!!...

    The first stanza I love, it opens up the poem very nicely showing you never cared what people thought of your love for this person.. which people shouldn't care and neither should you. Everyone has different taste and it annoys me when other people get in others the weird, they need it too.

    The second stanza...pretty sure there are no words for me to comment on this....I absolutely loved the creativity in here..using split ends as a metaphor for her "splitting" or leaving...brilliant

    And that last stanza.....boy, every poet in the world can relate to one can say the don't.....its amazing how true that statement is....people leaving us break us to the core, but when we release it to paper, we get the coolest poems truly we do....

    Always leaving your readers with that amazing last line..

    Loved this!

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Yaki, you have a really nice way of putting things, it's sort of simple but hits hard, you know, it shows that side of you, the strong side, the side that we all love...

    My only critique, is the title, it's too simple, and cliche...but I don't have any suggestions at the minute... sorry if its rude of me to critique without giving any suggestions... but I did love everything else about it.
