Comments : Buzzing

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    OMG Chelsey...This is awesome...The emotion here is sooo obvious...

    It amazes me, my adoration for you after all this.
    Why do I have to be so honest with myself and
    remind my heart how much it loves you? Why
    can't I lie for the sake of my desperate urge
    to move forward?

    ^^^We can't switch our feelings on or off when we feel like it, we just can't, and this hit home for me, in other ways than this poem...and how we want to believe we have moved on when he haven't...we want everything to be a fairytale but it's life or love

    ...past this soil ridden life my roots are sunk in.

    ^^^The wording here sort of rocked the flow for me, but it was a minor thing.... maybe changing "this" to "the" might help

    Don't think you have been removed from the society
    us romantics cling to? You have not. My window
    has been open to air out this exhausted house
    and I can hear you-

    ^^^I love this, how he feels like he's always in your ear, always in your mind...always there...loved the use of buzzing and now I get the title

    Flying from flower to flower, landing with ease,
    not to startle them. Pollinating when they
    bloom for you.

    ^^^WOW...No words to be said

    I thought you were a honeybee doing noble
    work for his Queen, but I was blinded
    by your size, by your sting.

    I was every aspect of this ritual.
    The flower you chose that season.
    The roots that were invested in you.
    The pollen you stole from my innocence.
    The person you decided to welt.

    ^^^Again, I love this, its the nature aspect that makes it...because nature calms us but here it does the opposite

    Yet somehow I still like the sound of you.

    ^^^Bees and wasps, there buzzing is annoying but I like how you used this and said that you still liked it, because you still loved him

    This piece was really creative and strong...there isn't much I can say really, because it is almost perfect


  • 11 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Awesome Chels I really fell in love with this is was so heartbreaking but I loved the way you wrote it such an emotional piece

    Amazing Chels :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    It amazes me, my adoration for you after all this.
    Why do I have to be so honest with myself and
    remind my heart how much it loves you? Why
    can't I lie for the sake of my desperate urge
    to move forward?

    ...past the soil ridden life my roots are sunk in.

    - This is such a hard place to be, when we love someone who has hurt us deeply and yet no matter how much we try to switch these feelings off, we can't. We cannot deny how we feel about them.

    Do you think you have been removed from the society
    us romantics cling to? You have not. My window
    has been open to air out this exhausted house
    and I can hear you-

    Flying from flower to flower, landing with ease,
    not to startle them. Pollinating when they
    bloom for you.

    - I love this expression of the bee, and how they land seeming innocent and harmless. I also like how you gave us a bit of an idea of what this other character is like.

    I thought you were a honeybee doing noble
    work for his Queen, but I was blinded
    by your size, by your sting.

    - Love this, you have used the bee well to describe what this person has done, fooled you into thinking they were someting that they werent't. You have seen the different side tot hem now which at first you were blinded to because of their kindness.

    I was every aspect of that ritual.
    The flower you chose that season.
    The roots that were invested in you.
    The pollen you stole from my innocence.
    The person you decided to welt.

    - I like this idea of how you have took in each object from the stanzas, the flower, the roots, the pollen, then put them all together for this little stanza and end it by relating it back to the person being yourself in this case.

    Yet somehow I still like the sound of you.

    - this is a really powerful ending because we all know you described the buzz, so in my head I can hear this buzzing bee which we all know will sting us if we go near to it, but what you are saying is that you cannot help but be drawn to the noise of it, to be attracted and crave it. You know its bad for you and will hurt you but you long to have it back.

    Nice job.