by Formidable Muse
I can deeply connect with the 17 syllables written here. Broken hearts are terrible, I went through one about 2 1/2 days ago and my desk (and floor) is now cluttered with paper. Most of the papers are half written poems and the others are just random things I needed to get out of my head. I also finished some half written poems that started out nice and now have quite a bitter ending. Sorry to ramble. |
by Chelsey
Lovedddd thissss....I've written a lot of poems about unwritten poems and crumbled up paper...I love that topic because as writers we all know the frustration of trying to get something out of our system but we are too hurt to even put it to words, to finished poems.... |
by Unknown
I think any poet or writer can relate to this. I have so many half written pieces it's amazing. My purse is filled with little scraps of paper with lines, thoughts, even just words or titles I think about and may want to use someday. |